©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge, along the Rose Bay shore — clouds and wind ruled the day.

My wife, Bonnie, and I had the pleasure of spending this past weekend in eastern North Caroline with fellow blogger and photographer Tom Dills and his wife Kathy.  A pleasant and relaxing adventure, thoroughly enjoyed, with Belhaven Water Street Bed and Breakfast used as our “base of operations.”

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge pier

The weather certainly was not the most cooperative. The forecast was promising rain for the weekend but mostly delivered cloudy skies and lots of wind.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
To the end – Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge pier.

However, there were good opportunities for photography. Here’s a few selected from those taken at the Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge, located between the Rose and Swanquarter Bays. (I’m hoping to not have to pay modeling fees to Bonnie for this image on the pier.)

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
Along the roadside canal – Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge

With weather conditions as they were there wasn’t a lot of venturing far from our car, in case of a sudden downpour, which always looked likely.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge shore

When conditions are not the best I think it forces you to be a little more creative finding and capturing photos.  A few more to share from this trip a little later.


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10 years ago

Looks like you came away with some nice moody shots Earl. Looks like a great place to explore. Even a rainy, windy day of getting out is better than not getting out at all.

Monte Stevens
10 years ago

I like all five of these images, Earl. And, yes some of us cheaper photographers do try and get away with not paying our models. It almost looks like it was misting.

Tom Dills
10 years ago

You got some nice shots, Earl. I’m still working on mine but see a few similar views.

I think Bonnie was well paid in food, as we had some good eats on that adventure!

Cedric Canard
10 years ago

Excellent photos Earl. The kind of weather you encountered does indeed make it uncomfortable to explore and walk around but I do like the light such grey days provide and if I am out photographing than I do prefer such days over clear sunny ones. In any case, you certainly made the most of the conditions.