©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
Fallen trees washed upon the banks of an eroding stream bed

“I will come out with my interpretation. If I’m wrong, fine. It will become part of the debris of history, part of the give and take.” ~~ Oliver Stone


Upon review of a newly imported set of photographs:

Often upon importing photos to Lightroom I’ve wondered what it was I saw, or thought I saw, at the moment of shutter release.  The personal visions compelling this group of photo to be made is often missing or obscured by less then successful attempts to capture it.  These photos are deemed missed opportunities — soon deleted and soon forgotten.

In still other photos there remains a glimpse of merit but resisting my efforts to satisfactory bring their essence to the forefront — these refuse to fulfill their promise and often sit for weeks or months — receiving regular revisits — hoping for a breakthrough.  These are troubled images, ghost of what may be, partially realized, yet failed, hard to release and to forget.

A few I find to be a success — even though I continue to second guess myself.  They  speaks to me today but will it say something different tomorrow.  So be it! In the long run it’s all part of the “give and take.”




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Monte Stevens
11 years ago

I go through the same process, Earl. Even to the point of wondering if I took the image.

Cedric Canard
11 years ago

I’m with you on this Earl. Sometimes I see a picture in LR I don’t remember making but immediately see something in it. Other times I remember taking the photo and why I took it but realise that I’ve screwed it up somehow and that I won’t be able to save it in post. But it’s all fun, right? ;)

11 years ago

I know the feeling: What was I thinking??? :)