“If you’re an introvert, you also know that the bias against quiet can cause deep psychic pain. As a child you might have overheard your parents apologize for your shyness. Or at school you might have been prodded to come “out of your shell”— that noxious expression which fails to appreciate that some animals naturally carry shelter everywhere they go, and some humans are just the same.” ~ Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (via creatingaquietmind)
(Source: Truth )
Being an adult introvert and a quiet child I do somewhat identify with the experiences expressed in the quote above. Quietness leaves many extroverts and some marginal introverts uncomfortable — perhaps experiencing a need to “fill in the void” which in turn may leave the quiet child with the perception there’s something wrong with them.
However, I haven’t heard the expression, “some animals naturally carry shelter everywhere they go, and some humans are just the same” but it strikes a chord with my own life experiences. I can sometimes be lost, and safe, in my own happy little shelter in the midst of what I perceive as chaos. I’m not sure if this is good or bad or even if it matters, just food for thought.
Photo: “Morning sun on mossy log” – iPhone4 photo
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I think a lot of photographers are the same way, Earl. I know I am. In a social environment (meetings, parties, etc.) I’m the one who almost never starts a conversation. I’ve always been that way. I’ve kind of gotten used to the idea that most people don’t understand that.
Paul, I agree many photographers are introverts. Perhaps photography in some small part appeals to us because it provides a method to find our voices. I’ve also gotten use to being quiet over the years but I remember I wasn’t always as comfortable with it as I am now. Thanks!
Being a life-long introvert, I don’t even think about it anymore but I do understand the trait in other folks. I can’t say that it has bothered me very much but I do envy some of the social skills that seem to come so easily for some people.
Ken, I sometimes envy those that seem so comfortable in social settings and appear to be able to strike up a conversation with almost anyone. For me, participating in a large social occasion draws off a lot of energy leaving me feeling drained afterwards.
I’m an introvert also. Yet, even as I say that I must admit I’m working in an area where I must be in front of people throughout the day. I manage this but at a price: exhaustion. By the time I take the stage mask off I’m wanting a quiet place. When younger I was always active with family and friends but as I grew older I began to seek out the quiet. I find the quiet is vital in my life along with a community.
I also know people who cannot be quiet for more than a few moments before needing some stimulation. I would rather hear a bird singing, wind blowing through the trees, than a performer on the radio. I’m also a mobile person, nomadic. I can find home just about any place. My life style shows that.