I decided to shift to black and white in order to perhaps change my perspective or exercise my creative brain a bit more.
Two of these photos were taken with the Olympus OM-D and the third with my Apple iPhone 4.
For this post I changed my normal file naming convention and stripped off the EXIF data…
Care to guess which is the iPhone 4 photo and why?
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Since I’m unfamiliar with the iPhone and the Oly I won’t hazard a guess, but I like all three photos regardless of the camera. The black and white treatment is suitable for them, as well. It sort of makes me jealous that my phone has such a terrible camera.
Impossible to say, Earl, although if I was forced to guess I’d say that the first image came from the iphone. It just doesn’t seem to have the same level of detail (or depth) as the other two. But I’m probably wrong……….
It’s funny about black and white. The “urge” to convert seems to hit me at random intervals. Or maybe it’s the nature of the subject matter. I’m not sure. But every now and then I feel compelled to see things in monochrome.
For what it’s worth, I think the second image is by far the best of the three. It’s that little bit of light at the base of the tree that makes it work, I think.
I would guess the iphone was from image number three due to it’s image format. I just went through such and exercise a couple months ago where I set my LCD to monochrome. Seems like I looked more at my histogram with the screen monochrome.
Earl, that’s just wrong – stripping out the EXIF data! You peek at mine, so why not let me see yours! ;) My guess will be the one in the middle is the iPhone because the background doesn’t look quite as crisp, but that’s just a guess since you said that we had to have “why”.
The consensus seems to be the second and I guess I’d go with that too just because it does seem less sharp. My fav is the third mostly because of the way the light falls and the shadows seem to be going against it, if you know what I mean.
I am going for the first one, and for no technical reasons at all, but for composition. I find, at least for me, my compositions seem much more deliberate and orchestrated when I am on my cameras vs. my phone. And for some reason, the second two images just appear more intentional as far as the comp. Maybe that is a bunch of bs I just wrote, but that is my story and I am stickin to it. :-)
Thanks to everyone that commented and guessed. The second photo was taken with the 5mp iPhone4 while the first and third photos were from the 16mp Olympus OM-D. All were converted to B&W in Photoshop with Silver Efex Pro 2.
Congratulations to those who guessed right. There’s not much to go on to determine which is which…kinda the point I was making here. :-)
Sweet! What do I win? ;)
What a great set of monochromes! I particularly love the third one – the interplay between light and shade is stunning. I love the perspective and dramatic lighting too. Many compliments!
H’mmm….obviously, number 2. Why? Cuz you said so!
As usual, I got here late. Not that I would have risked hazarding a guess. I have had a smartphone less than a week. What do I know about camera phones?!
But, this I do know. Like any well-done black and white series, this one starts me wondering if I am missing out on something I should try more often. As usual, you did a lovely job of making me wish I had been there.