©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

Fast forward for a moment…

Hight water continues flowing over the Cooleemee River Park (The Bullhole) dam four days after heavy rain.

If you’ve got 54 sec’s to spare you can view with audio the power of the water in the video below.  The first I’ve tried with the Nikon D600.  This was recorded using a Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 lens, which I fumbled with a bit when trying to access the zoom.

If you’ve got the bandwidth, watch it at 1080p HD.  You’ll also see both Maggie and my shadows in it.

…Now back to our scheduled pause.

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12 years ago

You know, I keep meaning to return there. Cool bit of video. Now you just need to do some editing, add a music track, some fades here and there, and some nice poetry and you’re straight! :D

Steve Skinner
12 years ago

I could sit on the rocks and watch the water flow for hours. Great video!

ken bello
12 years ago

Excellent video. I couldn’t tell from the shadow but did you use a tripod? The panning was very smooth and I think you were getting a handle on the zoom. I’ve yet to try this feature.

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

I am impressed with the stability you have with hand holding for this video. I’m impressed. I also loved the sound of this river, it’s power. I’m going to have to go there in person some time. Do you hire out?

Don Cooper
12 years ago

Your photography is superb, very nice work. The driftwood looks like a gator with his head up.

Martina Egli
12 years ago

Earl, that’s a striking photo – I love the dramatic shades created by the trees in the foreground; the water flowing over the dam and that blue sky are fabulous too! Thanks for including the video, it’s very impressive to hear the power of the water. Seeing the shadows of you and Maggie made me smile. Have a wonderful week!

Anita Jesse
12 years ago

Wow! Because I read the comments first, the video was even more impressive. I would have been certain that you were using a tripod. Excellent first try. I hope you keep exploring this.

I love that sound. We don’t have a river close by; but, this sure makes me want to revisit the Kern which isn’t terribly far from us.