©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

“To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction…” ~ Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Putting together my selection of favorite photos for 2012 set in motion thoughts of  where I’ll like my photography to take me, or me it, in 2013 — action and equal reaction.

A piece of advice I’ve often heard as a key to success is finding a niche and sticking with it until you become “an expert” in it.  Yet in photography, in this blog and perhaps even in my life I’ve always run counter to that advice.  I fear I tend to generalize without reaching great depth in any one area.

To point, my favorite photos from last year landed all over the board…landscapes, wildlife, portraits and abstracts.  Even in style they’re not uniform.

I’ve the ability of visualizing the potential of a scene, at least to a point, but in practice I still tend to take a picture more than create an image.  Especially in  taking the time and effort of creating an end result exactly as I visualized.

Is this due to laziness, unfocused visualization or perhaps a limit of my technical skills?  I’m not certain but I’m open it could be any one or in some part all of those things.  This honest review leaves me with the knowledge I enjoy my photography but still want more out of it…more out of myself.

What will this look like for 2013?  I’m not certain at this point and perhaps it will play out to be nothing, but I hope not.  This introspection business seems to be a continuing process…how interesting? ~smile~

As soon as I know where this might be going you’ll probably know about it here.

Photo: Taken with a Canon S90 during an early morning walk as the low winter sun broke through the forest.



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12 years ago

I think that the new year seems to do that to folks. We look back, think about what we could/should/might change. I look at my subject matter and see that it is all over the board, too. I just love to take pictures, and I’m OK with that. Should I do project work, focus on landscapes, move into portraiture? Who knows. I’ll just have to attack it as it comes. As long as I have a camera in my hand and the ability to see, all is fair game! :D

Of course, like those paths that you like to photograph, you’ll figure out the right one to take.

ken bello
12 years ago

It’s a big world, Earl, and there’s nothing wrong with embracing all of it. Many professional photographers specialize and that helps drive their business. You do it out of the love of doing it. Nothing wrong with that.

12 years ago

Well, the whole intent is to MEANDER right?! ;-) I know what you mean Earl, but every time I try to “specialize” and concentrate on one thing, something else really cool grabs my eye and I can’t help but to photograph it also.

Anita Jesse
12 years ago

More of the same kind of comment from me. I think that if your photography brings you joy and satisfaction, what more can you ask? It all depends on what satisfies you—not the experts. I believe the experts are talking to photographers who want to cultivate a continuing market for their work. Besides, combinations of so many different elements can hold together a style, I don’t think limiting your subject matter is necessarily required. Even if you become “known” for recognizable work, all the side journeys taken will ultimately enrich the work that is intended for the “portfolio”. I think a style is discovered more than chased. It is a deeply personal issue that is difficult to manufacture.

Cedric Canard
12 years ago

I’m with all the other commenters above. As amateur photographers, our predisposition to “dabble” in all the different genres of photography is like a special gift we’ve been given. There’s no pressure to become the best at any one thing but rather enjoy every aspect photography has to offer. At least that’s how I see it.

As for photographic style, heck, I always try to wear clothes that don’t clash with my gear. How’s that for style? ;)