Photographically I’ve been experimenting a little using some of the lens I own but in the course of daily activity seldom use. This usually means using prime, wide angle or telephoto lens with ether my Nikon D600 or the Olympus OM-D. It’s been interesting but the results have varied.
Personally I’ve been feeling shocked and numb from the mass murders of those beautiful little ones and their caregivers in Newtown, CT, last Friday. Just when you think you’ve seen it all something happens which falls so far outside the bounds of normalcy, so far within an area of pure evil, you can’t even wrap your mind around it.
There is much talk about gun control now spurred on by this recent tragedy and I’m hopeful that something can be done to limit those types of weapons sold and who can buy them. I also hope that we have some earnest talk about mental health and illness. A person with a mental illness often has no more control over it then someone physically ill can control their desease. However, getting a diagnosis and treatment for mental issues is much more difficult in our nation at this time. There is also a stigma associate with mental health issues.
I hope there is some progress made in removing the tools of mass death and identifying and providing effective help for those who might commit this type of act. I also hope that those who have lost so much this year will find a way to heal and find peace.
All of this grief and sadness has made me realize how important family, home and friends are — not to be taken for granted. These photos are just a few I’ve taken around our house. After last Christmas we took advantage of sales and for the first time bought a white pre-lit Christmas tree. Bonnie is the inside holiday decorator and I usually do a little something outside.
She does a better job then I.
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All 3 images are nice, but I REALLY love #1. The image depth looks like I could just walk into that tree.
Thanks Bob. That No. 1 photo was somewhat a second thought…I guess it’s good to listen to those. :-)
That first shot would make for a nice holiday card Earl. Nice.
Such a sad thing to have a tragedy so close to the holidays like this.
Mark, thanks. Maybe it can be a holiday card next year. I waited too late this year. :-)
Good thoughts Earl. Words can’t convey my feelings about the Connecticut shootings, but I too hope some real changes can come from this. Much needed changes.
You folks have a happy and safe holiday season.
pj, Yeah, I’ve drifted somewhere between rage and deep sorrow on this tragedy at Newtown.
Thanks and a happy and safe holiday season to you and yours.
I love the first image and agree with Mark, it needs to be on a card. If I’m not mistaken this will be your first Christmas with the new grandbabies which ought to be fun More smooch ♥ time.. I agree with you Earl. It’s really hard to wrap my head around all of tragedies happening all over the world.
I am a bit envious as I wish Santa would bring me an OMD for Christmas. I think I’ve been a good boy. :-)
Monte, Thanks, maybe this photo can make a Christmas card for next year.
You don’t understand how I got the OM-D. It was by being bad and going ahead and purchasing the camera even thought I might not have needed it. The good part is I got it paid for by Christmas! ;-)
Your home looks incredibly welcoming and warm – I adore your beautiful Christmas decorations, especially the wonderfully ornamented glass baubles on your tree. I totally agree with Mark, the first image should be next years Christmas card, it’s absolutely beautiful!
I wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas filled with joy and love.
Thank you Martina! My wife, Bonnie, gets all the credit for making our home so warm and inviting…I just sometimes supply the muscle. :-)
I hope you and yours also have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a great New Year!
I have to agree about image #1 – I really like it. Interestingly, I don’t know why! Maybe it’s because it’s not a “typical” Christmas photograph. I’m not sure. But it definitely got my attention……..
I got the OMD just like you did – I just bought the darned thing. Sort of in the “just do it and ask for forgiveness later” mode. Now, of course, my problem is wanting new lenses for it. Especially the 75 mm f/1.8 lens. Heck, I’m even considering selling some Canon glass to get it.
I can’t wait to hear what the NRA has to say tomorrow. That should be interesting. Someone on their regular radio show yesterday said that the answer is to get rid of “gun free” zones. More of the same twisted logic, I guess. If everybody is armed no one will dare try doing what Lanza did for fear of mutually assured destruction. Right. If the principal had had a .38 with her she could have stopped a suicidal maniac with an automatic assault rifle.
Thanks, Paul. As I commented to Bob, above, that shot was a 2nd thought — I’ll be listening more to those 2nd and 3rd thoughts from now on! :-)
I know that feeling…I’ve got the 45mm f/1.8 which is a great little lens but I’ve been eyeing the 75mm f/1.8 and that 12mm f/2.0 as well. I don’t expect to get either one anytime soon thought. I’ve sold a few less used Nikon lens recently but that was to pay for the D600 I purchased so I’ll have to make do for a while.
No doubt the NRA has not changed their position one iota…they have simply been figuring out how best to pitch the old message alongside this recent tragedy and anti-gun emotional wave. I’d give it three to six months, that’s being generous, before it’s business as usual.
Of course another option I’ve not seen mentioned yet is we retrain returning war troops as teachers or school administrators and let them keep their M16’s – KIDDING!
Great images, Earl. I hope you had a wonderful holiday with the family and loved ones. I think that you bring up some great points about gun control. As a gun owner, I’d like to see more actions towards weeding out those that shouldn’t own guns. This topic is a polarizing one and there are no easy answers. People will pick sides, but there are no winners here, only the reality of the situation.
I think we need to strive for balance with laws, not a knee jerk reaction.