©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

“In the weeds” is an interesting saying.  It’s often used to signify being lost, off the known path or being behind or overwhelmed in completing some task.  It’s not normally used in a positive context.

There’s also a little known movie “In the Weeds” with Molly Ringwald which came out in 2000 about the wait staff in a up-scale New York City bistro’s who struggle with  managing concerns about their lives which all seem to be “in the weeds.” Great title, but I can’t say I highly recommend the movie.


In my personal rear-view mirror of experience I’d have to say there’s more to be gained from spending some time “in the weeds” then always keeping to the well beaten trail.

It’s those moments “among the weeds” when assumptions are often dropped and relevant  questions get asked and answered.  It’s those moments when it’s not so important who we think we are or where we’ve been but more about who we want to become and where we’re want to go — direction and purpose.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography


These moments in the weeds are often unsettling and it may be only after the fact we come to appreciate the gains we may have found.  This is from my own personal experience so your mileage may vary.

It does seem ironic in some ways that we, mankind, most self-aware of all the creatures on this planet,  spend so much of our relatively short lives “navel gazing” — trying to define who and what we are instead of just being it and doing this thing we call living. The price of admission I guess.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography


Photographically I’m at a point where I’m trying to not over define my reasoning behind a photo.  I may not know all the details of why I like something, or why in the moment I took the shot the way I did.  I’m trying to listen to the inner voice and give more time to the being and doing, not thinking too much of what it all means or if others even care for  it.

So, yesterday morning finding myself literally in the weeds exploring an area during a morning walk with Maggie I decided to enjoy the moment and explore the photographic possibilities…instead of immediately looking for a way back to the path again.




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Anita Jesse
12 years ago

I never have been good at analyzing why I am making a photograph. I may have to fiddle before I see what pleases me in the viewfinder, but if I get caught up in the reasoning part I become genuinely lost in the weeds. Inevitably I do my best work when I do most of the the reasoning before I get to the site, then I let that inner voice have its way. When I shout that voice down, I am usually wrong. Ferric post and beautiful photos to go with it!

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

Strange, I’ve tried to write something three times but it does not come out right. I resonate with what you say. As you and I think along similar lines I think that is one of the primary reasons I follow your blog. I take images I have clue as to why. I just do what impulsively feels at the moment. If I have to pick a favorite image is would be the last one. It seems like I analyze more in the post processing while letting the whispers guide me with camera in hand.

Steve Skinner
12 years ago

I have learned the most in my life when I was walking in a big patch of weeds!

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
12 years ago

I love your comment above about “photos being like quotes”. It’s true, I think. We pick the ones that hit the right note. What amazes me is that some of them always hit the right note while some seem to lose their appeal over time. For me, that’s the mystery. I might like being “in the weeds” photographically today, but what about tomorrow?

But I suppose that’s the problem with thinking about it, huh?

ken bello
12 years ago

I gave up self-analysis for Lent many years ago and never went back. It’s much more liberating when you don’t have to ponder unanswerable, philosophical details. Sure, time changes everything, even your opinion of photos you took in the past, but that’s life. There is no mystery, we should accept it for what it is.

I don’t recall hearing the expression “in the weeds” before but I do understand it. The photos show that we should all spend more time in the weeds.

Martina Egli
12 years ago

That’s a great philosophy, too much introspection definitely leads to doubt. And I’m sure that successful artists of all kinds throughout the ages avoid the need to justify their work to others. What’s the saying? Free your mind and the rest will follow.

I particularly like your third photograph, the way the plant is illuminated by the warm light of the sun is incredibly beautiful. The soft clouds in the corner really add to the overall composition and your DOF is superb.

Cedric Canard
12 years ago

“In the weeds”, good expression, hadn’t heard of it before. I am not much for purposeful analysis of each and every photograph but I couldn’t stop philosophising if I tried. Having said that I would agree that navel-gazing is a waste of time. Introspection is akin to self-delusion but there is much to be said for letting pictures whisper their meaning on those occasions where there might be one. All it takes is a quiet mind. Easy right? ;)

12 years ago

Great set of images to go along with a great philosophy here Earl. I don’t tend to follow trails often, except in sensitive areas…but do admit sometimes I just find myself wandering with little direction. Sometimes I don’t know if that is a good or a bad thing.

I hope you kept Maggie away from the plant in the second image. It if it is what I think it is, those big burrs are no friends to a dog’s fur. :-)