©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
Portrait, me and grandson George (1 month)

I’ve not visited many of my normally daily read websites in the last week or so.  I’ll claim I’ve been busy but honestly looking back I sometimes wonder what I’ve been busy with.

It’s the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S this week.  However, if you watched U.S. TV you’d think of it more as the “Black Friday” sales event holiday.  It continues to get worst as merchants keep edging forward for more sales each year.

As tradition, we have our family Thanksgiving gathering/dinner the Saturday before Thanksgiving day…in our blended family it works best for scheduling this way.  This past weekend our children and grandchildren (grandchildren…wow, seems strange saying that) gathered at our house.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore PhotographyIt’s also a tradition for me to deep-fry turkey(s) for Thanksgiving.  Some may not enjoy turkey prepared this way but we’ve found it to be both convient and tasty — it gets turkey preparation out of the kitchen, leaving room in the oven for other things, and if you do it right it makes for a crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside turkey with no oily taste.  I did two 19 lb “birds” this year — it only took a little over an hour per turkey.  Plenty of leftovers…love those turkey sandwiches later.

Since 2009, I’ve posted a photo of myself, or self-portrait, each year on this blog’s “About” page.  I’m beginning to wonder if that’s a good  idea, as I’m starting to see signs of myself aging in the photos now. :-)  However, after deep thought on the subject, I decided to continue and use a photo from Saturday’s event for this year (top.)

Yes, being a grandparent is your reward for making it through being a parent.  If you do it right, being a grandparent is mostly about enjoyment.  This photo of George and I is  definitely from the enjoyment zone.


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Bob Dein
12 years ago

A nice “feel good” post. Happy Thanksgiving, from one of your “lurkers”.

12 years ago

A lovely photo for Thanksgiving and the holiday season. You look like a right proper grandpa, Earl! :) George and his parents are fortunate to have a grandpa that’s also a photographer! Now they’ll never have a shortage of photos!

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

I really like this image and yes it is a warm thanksgiving post. Yes, “being a grandparent is mostly about enjoyment.” You got that right! I just keep smiling as I look at this image. :-)

ken bello
12 years ago

Very nice post, Earl. I’ve never had fried turkey before but everyone tells me it’s the best turkey they’ve had. Hope to find out firsthand someday.

Tom Dills
12 years ago

Sounds like you’ve got that Grandpa thing down to a science, Earl. Good to keep in practice, you’ll need both arms soon enough! :)

Steve Skinner
12 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving Earl.

12 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving Earl. While I will never be a grandparent, I have to imagine this photo resonates quite loudly with those who are.

12 years ago

The shot of grandparent and child is a very good one. Keep taking them every year. You’re looking good to me!

Martina Egli
12 years ago

What a wonderful image, Earl. The portrait of you and your grandson is filled with so much love, warmth and happiness – thank you for sharing!

12 years ago

This post made me all smile, such a lovely warm portrait of you and you grandson. Good to see that you thrive in your new role. :-)

Eric Jeschke
12 years ago

I fine portrait, Earl, and a tender moment captured for posterity. Your grandson may be glad to have this photograph around to remember Grandpa. Happy Holidays!

Cedric Canard
12 years ago

Ah, grandchildren; I don’t have any but I do fancy the idea of being able to have fun and play with them and hand them back when the fun part ends ;)

Nice portrait Earl.

Anita Jesse
12 years ago

This certainly hit me in the “enjoyment zone.” What a beautiful portrait. The lighting is splendid and there is so much emotion in this. I especially like the two hands side by side. Outstanding, Earl. I keep coming back to it to soak up all the specialness of it.