©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

“People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.” ~~ Anton Chekhov

During one of my recent visits to a local park, a warm day, this young lad was burning up the walking/riding path on his two-wheeler.  I doubt he was aware of much outside his own imagination.

I can remember spending hours on my bicycle lost in my own world as a child. Now I’m happy if I can lose myself for a few moments in the viewfinder of my camera.

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Steve Skinner
12 years ago

Boy, those care free days of our youth sure were fun or at least that’s how I remember them.

ken bello
ken bello
12 years ago

This is one of the most evocative photos I’ve seen in a long time. Excellent.

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

After moving back into my condo I pulled the bike out of storage, tuned it up and have done some riding. Aside from a sore tush the first couple of times it is refreshing and darn healthy. Even in the colder weather out here people ride a lot. We just bundle up and get the heart pumping.

12 years ago

The past Sunday we had 60 degrees out. I would have much rather been riding my bike than raking leaves and putting yard items away for the winter. I remember walking my dog that night in a t-shirt…. Mid-November at night in Michigan in a t-shirt – go figure. However, back to normal now and near freezing at night.