©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
Autumn reflections along the Yadkin River, Cooleemee River Park, NC

No matter what you’re political allegiances I have to believe having the presidential election over is a relief, at least on some level.

No more non-stop negative political ads and coverage.  The winners are now trying to decide how to deal with the huge issues our nation and the world as a whole are facing and the losers are looking for a reason, or at this stage something/someone to blame, for their unexpected lost.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography
Autumn morning walk with Maggie, Cooleemee River Park, NC

Personally, I’m happy with the results.  Not to say there’s not  reasons for concern.

But I didn’t want a party leading our nation into the future, and the changes it will bring, who couldn’t recognize or accept those changes which have already occurred (see related article by Paul Maxim.) In my opinion, this is why they and their far-right supporters are so deeply in denial about the election results.

Hopefully with time there can be understanding, positive ideas, cooporation and positive movement forward on both sides.

Hey, not likely…but I said, hopefully.


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12 years ago

Well said, Earl, and I cross my fingers that your wishes come true – not only for this nation, but for the whole world, interconnected with the U.S. in so many ways.

ken bello
12 years ago

I don’t normally discuss politics but i will say this is a great photo of Maggie!!!

ken bello
12 years ago
Reply to  Earl

When I first started blogging I made a firm commitment not to discuss certain subjects, politics being one. It would be incorrect to assume that that means I don’t have an opinion (or even voice that opinion) on matters I believe to be important. It’s just that I think there are more effective ways of being heard with the possibility that it might do some good. That said, I do love to read about other points of view on just about any subjects even though I don’t participate in the conversations.

Martina Egli
12 years ago

That’s an incredibly beautiful image of Maggie – I love how your image is flooded with light. The warm autumn tones and the sunflare are breathtaking. Many compliments, Earl.