I’ve noticed a few website’s either down or very slow.  Even this blog, physically hosted at a data center in the New England area, was down for a short while earlier this morning.  The images and stories coming out of “Frankenstorm Sandy’s” impact areas are shocking.

My thoughts are with all those who have or will suffer from it’s ravages over the next few days.  Take care and be safe.

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12 years ago

Wow! What another great shot, Earl! I’ve been checking the stories and photos from Sandy and it is quite the storm. I hope that it clears out soon and people can get to the business of straightening up their lives.

ken bello
ken bello
12 years ago

The more I see your photos the more i wish I could attend the sessions at the Raptor Center. We just had our power restored and, thankfully, little damage. But i’m afraid it marked the end of the fall foliage season.

12 years ago

I have been seeing some photos of the devastation. All I can hope is they recover as quickly as they can, but have a feeling it is going to be awhile for many.

Superb shot Earl.

Olivier Rault
12 years ago

Une photo exceptionnelle de part sa lumière, du bon travail photographique, j’adore !
