©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

With the 2013 church calendar photo project completed and the photos turned in, I’ve added them to my gallery (along with last years photos) under Projects-Rowan Churches.  

From a creative stand point I’m limited in what I can do with or to these photo’s  — their use demands a fairly high contrast monochrome taken with a slight angle from the front establishing a common theme and providing each church equal representation in the calendar.

I may still return to some of the more interesting churches on my own time.

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Monte Stevens
12 years ago

Another nice collection, Earl. So, were you able to take any images inside of these churches? Some stained glass windows can be beautiful to shoot from inside. By the way is there a way we can purchase your calendar?

Steve Skinner
12 years ago

Outstanding job Earl; a great mix of building styles.

12 years ago

Good work, Earl! The restrictions you mention seem to not really have hindered you to create strong images. And it encourages me to give b&w a serious try again.