Yesterday I began photographing selected local churches for a calendar the non-profit organization I work for prints each year. This is my third year doing the calendar photos and the second year of having supporting churches as the theme. I usually photograph a little over 20 churches to cover the 12 months and then smaller photos on the inside and back of the covers.
A good side benefit of this activity is I get to drive back roads I seldom travel and can pull over to do a little personal photography when something gets my attention, such as the photo above.
This may be my last year doing this calendar. I’m retiring from the organization at the end of the year but I’ve told them I’ll still do photographic work for them if they wished.
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Wow! Is this really the third year? Amazing. I was thinking second. Time flies, as they say. Anyway, nice bit of personal work here, Earl. I need to hit some back roads, soon. The color has arrived in the Piedmont and will probably be fast-tracking, soon!
Yeah, just after beginning this job I did calendar photos and I’ve been there for a little over 2 years so this is my third. Thanks, Paul.
I’m surprised just as Earl. It doesn’t seem like its been that long. I’m pretty much accustomed to pulling over along the road and sometimes in the bar ditch to get a few shots off. We do get a lot of looks from passer-bys but I’ve adjusted to that also.
I’ll pull over normally too. These church photos are taking me on some backroads I’ve never been on before so I’m seeing “opportunities” I’ve never seen before. Thanks Monte.
I thought the calendar work was a great gig and the photos were beautiful. Good luck this year but I don’t really think you need it.
Ken, I enjoy doing it and I hope I’ll be doing next years as well…we’ll see. :-)
While I rarely set foot in one (except to photograph), churches are, I think, my favorite structures. Especially the older ones. They’re kind of like older sports stadiums – they have a character that you just don’t see in their more modern counterparts.
The point, I guess, is that if it were me, they’d have to force me to give up the job. It just sounds like too much fun.
Paul, I agree, I find them very interesting “to photograph” as well and here in the Bible Belt there’s one about every half mile. I’m hoping I can keep the church calendar photo gig…I’m going to try. :-)
I like this pretty fall scene. I think your work with the churches is worthwhile and I’d hope they keep you taking pictures after you resign.
Thanks, Don. I hope so too! :-)