©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

We escaped to the cloudy, foggy, misty, rainy, sunny, warm, and cool North Carolina mountains this weekend with friends.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

On Saturday it was one of those days where if you didn’t like the current weather you need only wait a while or drive down the Blue Ridge Parkway a few miles for it to change, often drastically.  The day began early with a mountain vigil for a sunrise which never broke through the clouds…still some nice blue mountain peaks and low cloud photos were to be had, which I may post a sample of sometime later.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

Between the fog, where you could barely see beyond the front of you car, and the poring rain, which  made any speed seem too fast, there were some beautiful broken clouded skies and bright sunshine.

The autumn colors were nice but patchy.  In some spots they seemed to be just a few days from peak while at others still wore their coats of solid green of summer.  Each turn in the road made for a surprise what might lie beyond.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

Perhaps it was the altitude, certain facing locations or ridge lines but I couldn’t put together any particular pattern for why one area was dressed in yellow, orange and red and a few miles down the road it was still a deep solid green.  The rain did make what foliage colors there were seem darker and more vibrant.

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

Even with the weather factor…and perhaps in part because of it, if you prescribe to the “glass half full” view of life, a nice time was had.  Saturday evening was filled with great food and good conversation — what’s a little weather. :-)

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12 years ago

Looking good, Earl. I’ll be heading up that way in about 2 weeks, when Debra gets into town. I’m hoping that the color will still be there or will be at its peak!

12 years ago

A fine series. That first “road” shot is gorgeous for its colors and very strong appeal. I like all the shots that look very good despite the varied weather. Nice post.

Steve Skinner
12 years ago

Even with the rain and clouds, the colors are still great!

ken bello
12 years ago

I like the patchy nature of the colors this time of year, it seems to give a good contrast and a reminder of what’s to come next. Looks like a great road trip.

Eric Jeschke
12 years ago

Sounds like a wonderful weekend, Earl. We can’t take those for granted, gotta appreciate them. Sounds like your fall is off to a nice start!

Tom Dills
12 years ago

Nice collection Earl, all things considered. You got your camera out a little more than I did, I think! :)

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
12 years ago

Based on these images, I think you had nearly perfect weather, Earl. Nothing like clouds and atmospheric disarray to spice up a photograph! I especially like the second to last one with the ominous cloud deck.

With any luck at all I’ll be coming through that area in about a week. We were coming home on a more northern route but switched to I-40 instead (and then up I-81). I’ll probably head up onto the Parkway near Roanoke. If I’m lucky, maybe there’ll be even more color.

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

Can’t get any better than time in the mountains and with friends. My favorites and 5 and 1. I spent some time looking back over images I took at Blendon Woods Metro Park while living in Ohio. I was missing the variety of fall colors from those forests and then you post these images. Thanks!

12 years ago

I am actually a little surprised to see that much color down there by now. Nice shots – I particularly like the one with the rock face. Color here is really kicking in now, and with freezing temps coming this weekend, it is bound to really kick into high gear.