Earl Moore Photography
Watering – Running

The street scenes captured in these photos remind me life is not as complicated as we would believe it to be nor as simple as we might hope it to be.  Sometimes events occur simultaneously on multiple levels.

Earl Moore Photography
Watering – Biking

It would have been interesting to see how many others I could have captured passing this same point as the young woman above busily waters her plants, but I could only spare a few moments.



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Monte Stevens
12 years ago

That is a cool series of images, Earl. And, yes, I wonder what other images you could have discovered by staying around for a while.

Steve Skinner
12 years ago

Life certainly happens on many levels!

12 years ago

I like the series, it’s an interesting view, the ambiguity of life and how interestingly our lives sometimes coincide.

12 years ago

There could be some interesting themes in this – oblivious intersections?

ken bello
ken bello
12 years ago

I think you need to go back to this same spot, at the same time of day, record what transpires and post more photos. I’ll wait here.

12 years ago

You created an interesting “place to view and shoot” that had strong potential. Nice job and perhaps a future idea to explore.