Earl Moore Photography
Wine tasting — tools of the trade — Italy

The mystique and attraction of wine and wine tasting extends beyond the bouquet and taste of wine.  The history of winemaking, the acquisition of skills for judging wines, and the casual intimate social experience all contribute to it’s overall appeal. When these factors come together wine tasting can be an enjoyable social experience even for those, who like me, are trivial wine drinkers.

In the last few years, the Yadkin Valley area, just north and west of my home, has become a booming region for wine and vineyard entrepreneurs.  Even at this early stage of their existence — four to seven years are normally required before grapes from a new vineyard can produce a respectable wine — this valley region is experiencing a sizeable growth in tourist and wine aficionados.

Earl Moore Photography
Setting the mood — warm tones, soft lighting, simplistic design

From some wine samples I’ve tasted, I suspect a few of these local wineries are operating out of someone’s garage but there are others who are embracing the total experience spending considerable time and money on grape selection, vineyards, tasting rooms, bottles, labels, and vintage recipes.  They are producing very acceptable new wines and further success may only be waiting upon maturing vineyards and the development of proven wine making expertise.  There are even a few examples where family names who’ve been in the wine making business for generations in Europe are investing in this new area.

I often think good coffee shops and wine tasting venues have much in common.  They both foster an inviting social experience based on a common enjoyment of a beverage — one for mornings and the other for later in the day — hopefully.

The 2004 movie “Sideways” certainly promoted the wine tasting culture as a social event.

Earl Moore Photography
Dressed to Impress — Barone Ricasoli, Italy

These photos are from our stops in the Tuscany area of Italy.  The last two are from the tasting room of Barone Ricasoli, the oldest family owned vineyards in the world…the second oldest of all vineyards.

Warm earthen tones and soft lighting often sets the atmosphere for the tasting of the wines.  It’s this inviting atmosphere I tried to capture using natural lighting.  A test for the image stabilization of the E-M5, which it easily passed.


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12 years ago

I am a casual wine drinker, but my wife and I did enjoy visiting many of the wineries in California last year. There is quite an interesting craft and culture around it. I must admit I haven’t developed yet the ability to sort out all of the various flavors in the complexity of wine. I sometimes wonder by reading some of the more eloquent descriptions if someone actually tastes the bit of plum nestled with chestnut and a finish with hints of lavender. I am not sure whether to admire the honed taste buds or the use of language. :-)

Still, I think it is much like seeing the subtleties in photographs. Some people just see it on its surface while others are much more engaged.

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

My work history has included over 2 years as a barista and there is an art form in tasting the different coffees, an art form I do not have. I’m one of those who look deep into the images to see as much as I can. I love all these images because of the mood they bring to me. Even though I do not drink, these images inspire me to visit such places. You keep showing these quality images and I may have to invest in the E-M5. :-)