Earl Moore Photography
Maggie, morning nap on the front porch
Maggie seems to have turned a corner this pass week since becoming the lone dog of our family.

Of course she’s become terribly spoiled and is totally a house dog now. On the good side, she’s regained lost confidence and is eating better once again.


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Steve Skinner
12 years ago

Good to hear!

12 years ago

Glad to read that Maggie is doing better Earl.

12 years ago

Very good to hear, Earl! Any plans on getting her another companion?

Chris Klug
12 years ago

I know that when Omega passed in December, we were curious to see how his younger sister would work out as the head of household. Pretty well, but, as I’m sure you know, we all still feel the void.

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

Good to hear as we don’t often hear about the grieving process animals go through when a close relationship is lost.

ken bello
ken bello
12 years ago

Glad she’s doing well. We had two cats one time – Blanche and Stella, litter mates. When Blanche merged with the infinite (at 17 years), Stella was in a funk for a short time but perked up relatively fast. Hope this is the case with Maggie.