Earl Moore Photography
Double birdie

As a follow-up to my previous seagull photo here’s another which caught my photographer’s eye. I don’t know what was to my right their left, I did turn and look after taking this shot, but it sure must have been something mighty interesting — especially for the “big guy” to turn and look! ;-)

it was one of those moments where you wait, finger on shutter release, focus acquired, hoping for the seagull to turn his head in just the right direction — <<CLICK>>

Since I haven’t played golf in years, and I don’t plan on taking it up again, this will be the only type of “double birdie” I’ll be “scoring.”

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ken bello
12 years ago

Now I’m smiling!!! A great example of the “decisive moment”.

Eric Jeschke
12 years ago

I think this is a photography “eagle”!

Martina Egli
12 years ago

Wow – what an impressive image! I love your bull’s eye composition – it’s very artistic and gives the image an almost surreal atmosphere. Your perspective is fabulous too, having only the blue sky as a backdrop really focuses on the birds behaviour. Many compliments on this image, Earl!

12 years ago

Very nice Earl. Obviously the photographer’s eye was at work here.

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

LOL Patience may also be another one of those aspects the amateur photographer has yet to embrace. Well done, Earl

12 years ago

That’s excellent, Earl. You waited for just the right moment. Great patience and setup! :D