Earl Moore Photography
Foster: October 23, 2006 - May 9, 2012

We had to put Foster down this morning.

Words are inadequate to express how much a dog can add to one’s life, how they so deeply become members of your family, how much unselfish love they give and how deeply it hurts when you lose them. There’s never enough time even in the best of times — we had the joy of Foster for only a little over five years and it wasn’t nearly enough.

But letting him go was the right thing to do — he was in bad shape and needed the quality of mercy that love holds.

Earl Moore Photography
The great and only trick

We always laughed about the only trick he ever knew was rolling over and working in a back rub at the same time.

Earl Moore Photography
Patrolling the Yard in Better Days

He loved his back yard and would patrol the borders each day.

It was as good of a five years as we could make it for him and I know he was happy and loved us. We’ll miss you, Foster.   

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Monte Stevens
12 years ago

So sorry to hear this saddening news. No words are adequate in expressing how I feel. Healing for his absence will take its own course and it’s own time. So, I’ll pray!

12 years ago

Sorry Earl. Like you said, words aren’t adequate, but you have the comfort, small as it may seem, of knowing you did the right thing for Foster.

12 years ago

Dang, Earl. Sorry to hear about Foster. I’m sure that you have plenty of fond memories of him. I love the photos, too. I really like the one of him on his back, doing his favorite trick! :) I’m sure that that earned him some extra treats.

Peace to you and yours, Earl! We’ll missing hearing about Foster!

Eric Jeschke
12 years ago

So sorry to hear of your loss, Earl. Nice photos for memories.

Markus Spring
12 years ago

Sad news, Earl, sorry to hear this. Such a long time you have been company for each other, so parting is always hard, especially for those who have to stay. Foster certainly has had a good place and good care, so now you have to keep his memory and rejoice in the high spirits he has shared with you.

Mary Ann
Mary Ann
12 years ago

I’m so, so sorry Earl. I am all too familiar. My deepest sympathies.

ken bello
ken bello
12 years ago

I’m so sorry, Earl. From my own previous experience I know there is little anyone can say to console but just know that he will be remembered by those of us who never had the pleasure of meeting him.

Ray K
12 years ago

I know how hard this can be. I am sure thinking of you all. Toughest job ever and still the right thing to do sometimes. Wish I had the words, Foster will be missed even by those who never got to meet him.

Tom Dills
12 years ago

Earl –

This is such sad news. Your photos – especially the first one – represents a loving and fitting tribute to your friend.

12 years ago

So, so sorry Earl. Like Ken mentioned, there is little anyone can say that will ease the pain in losing such a cherished friend. I know the pain, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Losing such friends is such a huge thing to deal with. To this day I have a hard time looking at photos of our malamute that passed away a few years ago now. I know they are great memories, and I try to remember that, but it is tough. If anything, I am sure Foster knew he had the best parents he could ask for in taking such great care of him – especially in the tough times. My mom had to let her Great Dane of 12 years old go just last week.

Anita Jesse
12 years ago

Earl, because I have been buried in my own tiny world, I missed this sad news until a new comment came into Foster’s page. It has already been said; but bears repeating, words are inadequate in these situations. While this pain defies descrition, comfort—and, even then, precious little of it comes only with the passing of time. May momories of the joy provided by Foster’s company slowly ease the pain. Thank you for so unselfishly sharing your and Foster’s story. While it is a bittersweet tale, we are all richer for your sharing. Your tribute is touching and beautiful.

Martina Egli
12 years ago

Earl, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I’ll be thinking of you and your family in this difficult time. Foster was incredibly lucky to have so caring, loving and wonderful “parents”. The photos of him are a wonderful tribute.

12 years ago


I’ve been out of touch for a couple weeks so I’m a bit late offering condolences. Losing a pet can be nearly devastating, and it looks to me like Foster was a special one. My experience with pets is, you get what you give, and Foster looked like he got, and gave a lot.

I hope things are getting better for you. Take care,

Chris Klug
12 years ago

Earl:this is late, and I know how sometimes when this subject comes up again, it just renews the sadness. But my heart goes out to you. I’m sorry.