Earl Moore Photography
Sidewalk Shadows

I’m got jury duty this week and haven’t had much time to spend on photography.

This image can present a bit of an optical illusion at times…the top looking wider then the bottom.

It’s an iPhone image and in this case the quality isn’t very good. Still I thought the optical illusion was interesting.

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Monte Stevens
12 years ago

I like this, of course I’m into shadows! I wondered where you were. Glad your in the jury and not on the stand. :-)

12 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

Monte, sitting there all day has drained any creative energies I might have had so of course this blog and photography has suffered this week. Thanks!

Steve Skinner
12 years ago

I have served on jury duty several times and it’s sort of like and optical illusion.

12 years ago

I had jury duty last year for the first time. Fortunately they didn’t pick me to go further through the process. Just had to show up for the day and wait in the waiting room “just in case.” It was interesting to hear a judge come in and say how much just having a room full of potential jurors acts as a deterrent for many lawyers in going to trial. Your image reminds me of when they gave us 1.5 hours lunch break and I found myself wandering around the court building.