Another selection from my woods walk. There’s a drainage ditch which runs under these crossing timbers seen at the bottom of the photo. I debated posting this photo or not but finally decided I would, even if it’s not a terribly strong image.
Today I’m starting to feel the need for some sunshine after a long cool and rainy weekend. But I know we have it lucky and I’m sending out a wish for some sunshine and warmer temperatures for our friends in Europe who are experiencing an arctic winter this year.
Tonight is the American Football Superbowl and while I don’t have much interesting in either team I’ll be watching for the entertainment value.
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Even if the game isn’t that interesting there are always the commercials!
Jeff, Thanks. Yes, that’s usually the most entertaining part.
The entertainment value from the commercials or the game?
Ken, the game was probably more entertaining tonight then the commercials…I thought they were uninspiring this year.
i love the composition
Hey, thanks, yz!
I watched the game with my friend, James. The commercials were very much ho-hum, not very inspirational at all, but, hey, they were just commercials. :) We’ve had a nice, mild winter. I’m enjoying that. Not even one snowflake!
Paul, yeah, I though the commercials were a little low keyed this year as well but maybe I expect too much. I just hope this warm winter is not a forecast of a very hot and dry summer. :-)
I am not a football fan at all – even if my home team was in the SuperBowl, I doubt I would watch. :-) Instead, spent time on the Xbox instead, so can’t really say I spent it more productively.
Even though the photo doesn’t have the “pretty elements” to it, I think you took a rather mundane scene and transformed it into something interesting through the use of composition and the elements available to you Earl. That is a part of photography that I enjoy the most.
Mark, thanks! I fell kind of let down after this Superbowl…maybe the Xbox would have been a better choice for me as well. :-)
I watched about half the game, which was the sum total of the football I saw this year, it’s not as important to me as in the past. I enjoyed the BBQ pork sandwich which I ate during the game a lot more. :-) You sure are bringing back some good memories of my walks in the parks back east. Thanks for those!
Monte, thanks. I was surfing on my iPad during part of the Superbowl so I agree it wasn’t an attention grabber. That BBQ port sandwich sounds good.
I love the strong composition and desaturated tones in this image a lot – I’m gald you’ve posted it!
Martina, thanks. There’s times I question if a certain image should be posted — it’s always nice to hear when someone appreciates it. :-)
I like this one very much. The “homeliness” of the elements rely on your framing to have turned them into something simple, but quite lovely.
Although I was a rabid football fan years ago, I find I have little interest now. Too much uninteresting chatter and too many replays.