Earl Moore Photography
Water on Granite - Winter Morning

Over the ages water has worn these slight channels into this solid granite river bottom shelf. On a cold morning with the light just right the water looks almost inky blue-black against the rusty rock. A few mud film provides a lighter yellowish color along the channels.

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Colin Griffiths
13 years ago

Yet another meandering passage and it’s a very striking one. I’m curious: is that a rocky landscape? Is it winter vegetation? Did you make the image from the air? Pray tell!

13 years ago

Meandering … Colin took the words right out of my mouth! A fine image this is, soothing, calming down. Works very well for me.

Derrick Birdsall
13 years ago

Nicely done!

13 years ago

A fine shot with excellent composition. I like it’s dual role of a landscape and abstract – all at the same time. Very well done.

Ken Bello
13 years ago

Illusion or not, this is an outstanding image, Earl. I love the colors but the composition is just beautiful.

Steve Skinner
13 years ago

Outstanding composition; nicely seen!

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

I agree, the curving lines do offer a soothing feel. But, the contrast of the blue and rust color are what tug at me. Got my vote on this one, Earl!

John - Visual Notebook
13 years ago

Very nice image! I love simple compositions as opposed to the complex, chaotic types.

Martina Egli
13 years ago

Wow – what a striking image, Earl. The dark blue colour of the water complements the warm surroundings very well.
It really looks like a vast landscape and I thought you had taken that photograph while looking out of a plane. What a wonderful illusion.

13 years ago

Beautifully done, Earl. I hardly recognize the place! Speaking of which, we need to do one of our Saturday morning get-togethers!

13 years ago

Earl, I would label this “Oil Spill” if it didn’t have such negative associations. :-) I think it is a gorgeous shot. It demonstrates the power of light to completely transform a scene.

13 years ago

I’m a little late getting around to this, but I’m finally getting sort of caught up on making my rounds.

This is superb Earl. Ranks right up there as one of your very best. The color… the movement… the simplicity — beautiful and perfect.