Earl Moore Photography
Leading to a river

I continue to photograph paths, many never posted here. They’re a never ending “draw” for me. :-)

On a new path you never know what may be around the next bend and even on a familiar path small changes await you. This particular path begins going downhill just beyond this photo’s field of view until it reaches a river and dam. The river is probably running over the dam today since it’s been raining much of today.


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Colin Griffiths
13 years ago

So you have penchant for a meandering passage! It was the bench that I liked, my didn’t spot it right away.

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

Yep, You are a meanderer of many paths! Walking with my camera along the Metro Parks in the Columbus area was one thing I enjoyed while living in the Ohio Valley. It’s good to be outdooors and a healthy habit to have.

ken bello
13 years ago

My eye is drawn to the curved branches of the trees but the bench is a really nice touch, especially in a contrasting color. Nice work.

Anita Jesse
13 years ago

I am especially drawn to the curves in the path and your observation that even on familiar paths there are discoveries to make along the journey. It is so easy to fall into the mentality that it is just the same old thing repeated. Not if we have our eyes open and we are listening. I like familiar paths, because they allow for more time and energy devoted to small and subtle things.

13 years ago

I love paths, too, especially in this type of winter light when the light makes it through the trees, unimpeded. Lovely shot and toning, Earl.

Martina Egli
13 years ago

That is a very beautiful photograph. I like how the path leads the eye into the image and the interplay between light and shade is absolutely stunning. I look forward to seeing more of your path photos.