Earl Moore Photography
Before - One week earlier
Earl Moore Photography
After -- One week later

One week since the car incident in our back yard — power pole replaced and fence repaired, during a holiday week no less. Yea, the dogs and I are very happy. :-)

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Anita Jesse
13 years ago

I am very impressed! One week for all this would be impressive any week, but at this time of year?! Congratulations. I am relieved that the dogs once again have a secure yard.

13 years ago

Yeah, that’s impressive, all that in one week. Now, those new boards just need to get a bit more tanned. Don’t you wish you had Photoshop in real life, sometimes? :)

Steve Skinner
13 years ago

Not much beats a brand new fence!

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
13 years ago

Well, now you’ve gone and done it, Earl. You’ve made all those folks who are supposed to be fixing / restoring power grids, roads, bridges, homes, businesses, etc., those things that were damaged or destroyed during all those storms over the last year or so around the country, look just a tad slow and inefficient. Shame on you. I mean, get with the program! These kinds of repairs are supposed to take weeks or months. Heck, you’ll have the FBI looking into this breach of protocol.

Or maybe it isn’t really fixed at all. As Ove suggests, maybe it’s just another Photoshop thing. Just Earl being a little sneaky and creative here, huh?

Ken Bello
13 years ago

I like the new fence, Earl, and the fast repair. Was it the clone/stamp tool or content aware fill that you used? I suspect Photoshop because it’s taken me over 5 years to get the bathroom fan fixed.

Chris Klug
13 years ago

Amazing. I’m glad things are back to normal. It’s also amazing how different it looks there for late November. Everything is grey here.

13 years ago

A fine looking renovation of the fence. I like the before and after images.

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

Looking good, Earl. Looks more like a privacy fence now.

Martina Egli
13 years ago

I’m very glad that your fence was repaired so quickly, I’m really impressed by the time. Your dogs must be especially happy since they have their garden back to play. Have a great start to the week!