Earl Moore Photography
Down River -- Nantahala River, NC

Almost all my shopping is done on-line these days so I hardly relate to waiting in lines for stores to open on the biggest shopping day of the year. Occasionally I do look for on-line bargains on “Black Friday” but it’s for things I’m already planning on purchasing –- I’m seldom swayed by “deals” to purchase something I hadn’t planned on.

This photo was taken back in October along the Nantahala River in North Carolina. If you look closely, in the shadows along the right bank of the river, a couple of canoeist are righting and getting back in their canoe after being dumped out just up stream. Sometimes getting dumped is part of the journey.

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Anita Jesse
13 years ago

Thanks for pointing out the scene in the shadows. I think I would have missed it, and it adds to my enjoyment of this picture. What colors! Befitting Autumn.

I never found the thrill in being elbowed in malls. Now, I need to do almost all my shopping online and, like you, I am not swayed by special, unbelievable, super bargains—unless I had already had the item on my wish list.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anita Jesse

Anita, I’ve found I don’t have the patience to wait in lines for much of anything any longer. I’d just as soon go somewhere else as wait in a line.

This photo is one I went a little over-board on in the saturation department. It’s a weakness of mine to push that saturation bar just a little too far. I try to keep check but this one slipped by. :-)

ken bello
ken bello
13 years ago

I didn’t inherit the shopping gene, so I usually avoid the stores on Black Friday. Like you, i prefer to shop online but I do love to browse the camera stores around here. Specialty camera stores are getting fewer and fewer lately, so going to those stores doesn’t require much effort.

Beautiful scene, Earl. The water looks so clean compared to what we normally see around here.

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

I like that, “getting dumped is part of the journey.” I had a passenger ask me last week when Black Friday was. I could not answer him as I did not know what he meant by it. I hope that’s a good thing. I too, shop on line, except for groceries. No crowds to deal with.

Martina Egli
13 years ago

That is a fascinating image, I love the vibrant autumn tones and the clear water.

Being in crowded spaces and queueing in shops isn’t my cup of tea either – that’s why we do most of our food shopping online. It’s done so quickly and the time saved I rather spend with a walk in the park!

13 years ago

I’ve not much to buy this year, thankfully. However, I still don’t get bit by the Black Friday sales or Cyber Monday, for that matter.