Earl Moore Photography Earl Moore Photography Earl Moore Photography
Fall Foliage 2011 - Natahala National Forest, NC

We left Thursday morning for a road trip among the fall scenery of the national forests and parks in the western North Carolina Mountains. We returned home two days and hundreds of miles later, tired but having had a great time.

We’d purposefully chosen to do most of the trip on weekdays with a goal of missing the rush of weekend foliage seekers, which clog mountain highways this time of year. I’m happy to report we were successful, driving where we pleased and finding lodging with no prior reservations. Most of our travels were in the Nantahala National Forest area with explorations of small secondary roads that wound their way up mountain sides, past cabins, homes and drop-offs. These little roads would either dead-end or turned to dirt where we’d usually turn around.

The weather was absolutely perfect…beautiful sunshine, cool at night and mild during the day.

Above are but a few of our photographs. Some areas looked to be at peak fall colors while others appeared to not have turned as much. I believe by at least next weekend the colors will be brilliant in those places they were lacking this weekend.

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Monte Stevens
13 years ago

That’s three outstanding images. I really like the glass smooth lake in the first image. The Eastern hardwood colors are what I’m going to miss this Fall. Thanks for sharing and glad you and Bonnie enjoyed yourselves.

13 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

Thanks, Monte. I pulled these three images to post without doing much of any post processing. I’ve got some more that in my opinion “out shine” these that I’ll post this week. Yeah, the falls around the eastern US are nice but you certainly don’t have any hardship with the views out there. ;-)

ken bello
ken bello
13 years ago

We may be a little behind you for color up by the Lake here for some reason. This is the kind of kick in the pants I need to get out there more often this time of year, though. Very nice shots.

13 years ago

Glad to see you got out Earl. I am actually a bit surprised you have that much color down south. I think we are probably 2 weeks o so from peak here.

Steve Skinner
13 years ago

You guys may have hot and humid summers but you are also treated to outstanding fall colors. Thanks for sharing them.

13 years ago

Lovely, Earl. I’m planning on a return trip soon, very soon. I’m glad that you got a chance to do it up right!

Martina Egli
13 years ago

Wow, that looks like a magnificent trip! Beeing outside on a sunny autumn day and enjoying the nature and fresh air is so wonderful. The blue sky only enhances those amazing colours and I especially love your first shot, the reflections in the water are really stunning. Thanks a lot for sharing!