As with most trips to interesting places there’s so much to do and see and so little time for it all. Plus, I still seem to be making up for sleep I lost on the flight over to Munich, Germany. I actually napped for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon for the first time in so long…hey, it’s vacation.

Here’s a short summary of the trip thus far –

This past Saturday was spent enjoying Munich, Germany. We discovered Octoberfest begins this next Saturday, so our timing was perfect to get in and out before the crowds arrived.

Sunday, a tour was taken to the Garmisch-Partenkirchen area and to the top of Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany. Beautiful country (photo above) and villages, and the views from Zugspitze were breathtaking.

Monday, travel from Munich to Bucharest, Romania. The ride from the Bucharest airport to our hotel probably deserves a post of it’s own. For now let’s just say that it was a breathtaking adventure.

Tuesday and Wednesday, has been used absorbing the eclectic style and environment of Bucharest. I’m finding it more then I expected in so many interesting ways…a city of contrast…more on that later too.

As you would expect there are many photos being taken which I’ll share in the coming weeks. I’ll also share some thoughts and observations I’ve been jotting down. I want to give these impressions some time to mature before writing about them — but I’m keeping notes.

Traveling with only an iPad is working better then I thought. I’m shooting in RAW with both the Olympus E-P2 and Cannon S90 and am using the iPad to process and post those I want with the Blogsy App. I’ll do a post on the workflow/Apps I used once we return — the workflow is still being fine tuned as I go.

Thus far, it’s been a wonderful journey. I’d visited Munich years ago but this is my first time in Romania. We’ll remain in Romania until Friday morning, when we fly to Amsterdam.

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Anita Jesse
13 years ago

I know that this statement reveals just how selfish I am, but in the interest of honesty I will admit that you have me looking forward to your return. My face is red. I really do want you to have a wonderful vacation. My eagerness to read the post-vacation entries is doubled by a desire to see more gorgeous images and now you have promised this breakdown on traveling with the iPad alone. That sounds verrrry interesting.

This scene is beautiful. Wow! Magical light and that Earl touch. Which of the photo processing apps are you using? See, there is that selfish streak again. I will try to control myself.

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

Nothing like revisiting and then seeing more. Looking forward to reading more.

Ken Bello
13 years ago

The photo looks like a storybook scene. I think you’re in for some breathtaking landscapes in the days ahead and I’m looking forward to seeing more.

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
13 years ago

Very glad to hear that you’re enjoying those “faraway places”. Nothing like a little travel to get the juices flowing (even if it means having to take a nap sometimes). I travel with an iPad as well, but I’m not at the point where I could leave the trusty laptop at home. I also look forward to hearing about your workflow using that amazing tablet.

13 years ago

Can’t wait to see the volumious slideshow at Christmas!! It looks amazing!!!!!!!!!

Martina Egli
13 years ago

That is a wonderful landscape, I can feel the summer turning into autumn. The golden light of the sun lits up the scene beautifully. I look forward to seeing the images you’re taking on your amazing trip. Take care!

13 years ago

I always thought that Germany reminded me much of the area around the Blue Ridge Parkway. Probably feels pretty close to home there, and yet, quite different.