I’m giving the Blogsy App a try on my iPad for doing blog posts while traveling…different often seems hard, because it is not the familiar, and can be initially judged bad because it is hard, so I’m trying to keep my mind open on this method/means.

An 11 hour over-night flight with no sleep, miles of walking and only a short nap find me sitting here in Munich, Germany, fighting heavy eyes and a cloudy mind. But what an amazing beautiful day we enjoyed here.

In this photo, I’m reminded by this gentleman reading his paper with his back to this lovely fountain how the extraordinary can become “our ordinary,” if we let it.

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Ken Bello
13 years ago

After all that, you can still take a really nice photo. I would be unable to hold a camera, much less take a decent photo that was blog worthy. Enjoy your trip.

Steve Skinner
13 years ago

I have a similar thought every time I walk along the river walk.

Anita Jesse
13 years ago

Like Ken, I am amazed. Furthermore, you are using a new app. Clearly, I am way out of my league. Your photo is an all too familiar story of human nature. Thanks for keeping us posted. I may look into Blogsy. On the other hand, if you find it even a tad tough, I don’t stand a chance. Have fun.

13 years ago

To true, this with the ordinary things. The photo is exquisite, quite an ad for remembering the importance to not forget about yourself and your basic needs to take some time off. I can’t think of a better place to read the paper.
I also note how well this image looks in the view I am presented on your first page, how spectacular this scene looks in the cinematic format.

13 years ago

After all that, I think I would be asking that guy for the read portions of his paper to use as a pillow near that fountain. Have a good trip!

13 years ago

Sadly true. The things we see everyday become our version of wallpaper no matter how stunning they are. That can be true of the people around us as well. Children and photography are great remedies for these tendencies. Always enjoy your photos and comments.

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

Sounds like it is fun. Enjoy the extra-ordinary along with the ordinary. :-)

Martina Egli
13 years ago

What a splendid monochrome, I love how beautifully the sun lits up the water in the fountain. And the person reading the newspapaer really gives the whole scene a sense of scale. What a great image to start your trip to Europe with! I hope the weather stays nice and that you’re having a wonderful time.