A once around the park today before heading home after work found these bright red blooms along the waters edge — certainly a beautiful and somewhat unexpected find.
If Hurricane Irene keeps out along the coast all we many get here is a breezy day and a few stray bands of showers. My thoughts go out to all those who lie in the path of this storm this weekend. Take no undue chances and be safe!
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Very nice back lighting on the flowers, Earl. Either the days are getting shorter or you’re working longer. Have a safe weekend.
Ken, safe and sound this far inland. No rain and only a little windy.
Great photo – I like the water fountain centered just so carefully between the flowers. That’s good. Hope Irene goes out to sea.
RushFit, thanks!
This is beautiful. You take care of yourself. I will be thinking of all you folks on the east coast.
Anita, not even a drop of rain here. Only a bit windy. :-) Thanks.
Nice one Earl. I hope you’re far enough inland to miss the brunt of the storm.
PJ, yes we were far enough inland…only some light wind and interesting clouds.
Thought of you today. I hope you’re safe.
Chris, thanks. It was only a little breezy here. We didn’t even get any rain from Irene.
Lovely shot. Good to hear you stayed out of the path of Irene.
JP, Thanks
That is a great image – I love how beautifully framed the water fountain is by those red blossoms. Brilliant composition and tones, it looks like a wonderful place to go for a stroll.
Martina, it’s at least a convenient place, very close by, and there are some nice shots to be had on occasion. I sometimes stop there after work and “unwind” a bit. Thanks.