Earl Moore Photography
Revillagigedo Island, Tongass National Forest, Ketchikan, AK

It seemed a good time to grab an archive photo of some wilderness, cause when we start feeling earthquakes here in NC things are getting a little wild. This photo will fit the bill nicely — taken out the window of a float plane over Revillagigedo Island, Alaska, northeast of Ketchikan. I believe this to be part of the Tongass National Forest.

Only a little shaking around here from yesterdays Virginia earthquake, no damage.

Not much post processing on this photo.

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Monte Stevens
13 years ago

I heard you had a little shaking going on out there. Strange how we had an earthquake in southwestern corner of Colorado on Monday that registered 5.3. I missed it all.

Alaska is one place I would like to see and experience, and of course photograph. Have a great day my friend.

13 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

Monte, just a little shaking here. Thanks

Ken Bello
13 years ago

Gorgeous landscape. Alaska would be the vacation of a lifetime for me. This is very nice!

13 years ago
Reply to  Ken Bello

Ken, Alaska’s the most awe inspiring place I’ve ever visited and I’d love to go back sometime. Thanks.

Journey Photographic
13 years ago

Good to hear you’re OK. Alaska must be incredible to visit – nice shot!

Nik | ExP
13 years ago

It was pretty wild, I work in a multi-level building just north of Richmond. I hadn’t experienced an EQ since I was a kid, this one brought back memories. Glad you’re okay!

Lovely landscape, Alaska is definitely on the to-do-list.

13 years ago

I would also like to get back to Alaska soon. I know I only touched a small portion of so much more to see. Nice shot Earl. Really beautiful lighting with a surprising amount of depth for a shot from a plane.

Martina Egli
13 years ago

Wow, what an amazing view – I love the lake and the snow covered mountain tops in the far distance. The different shades of blue and green are absolutely wonderful. What a fabulous landscape!