Earl Moore Photography
Country road among rolling hills - Northern Piedmont, North Carolina

I sometimes get so use to this area I live in I forget the beauty it can hold — abundant green, rolling hills, aged mountains, wonderful country roads and in the last few years beautiful vineyard set along the hillsides. It’s a kind of subdued beauty that can sneak up on you.

I didn’t realize the air was so hazy until later.  

Last night we had a visit and interview with a woman recommended by a neighbor to take care of our dogs at our home during our upcoming European trip. I think she’ll be wonderful with the dogs…they liked her and it was obvious she liked them as well. This may not only provide the critical service we need for this trip but also be a source of care for our dogs for other long and short trips in the future.

Wow…a weight has been lifted — country roads take me “away!” :-)

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Anita Jesse
13 years ago

Congratulations. What a great lift to your spirits this must be. We are fortunate to have a boarding facility that we like very much and they are only a few yards from the vet hospital. Still, we aren’t dealing with special needs. I am relieved to hear this good news. Now, you can begin to enjoy the preparations for your trip and really relish the anticipation of what waits for you there.

Ken Bello
13 years ago

Looks like you were back in wine country again. No doubt this is a gorgeous location for photos.
I’m glad you found someone for the dogs. I know the relief you must feel now.

13 years ago

You have such a wonderful countryside where you live, I would love to have such hills and greenery along here.
I’m also glad it seems to work out with getting a good care provider for your dogs. I understand it has to be much more critical finding someone that the dogs like. We have cats, ourselves, and although it is not as critical who provides them food, we find it important they also get lots of love and affection. It usually means we stay at home. :-)

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

You are so right, we often overlook the beauty we see each day. I think that is especially true with our busy culture. How often do we see someone walking while texting, oblivious to the world around them. :-)