Earl Moore Photography
Field of yellow summer flowers

I’ve not devoted much time to photography or this blog in the last few days. A busy weekend which included four Grand Mal Seizures for our dog Foster and a major project at work on Monday has had my time, attention and resources elsewhere.

That doesn’t mean I’ve not been thinking about both. There’s been any number of times I’ve thought when witnessing a scene the last few days it would make a good photo. I guess as a photographer we teach ourselves to see in that regard. While I’m happy that my mind is automatically comprehending the elements for a good photo I don’t want to only see “within the frame,” I want to also be aware of the bigger picture and those things outside the frame as well.

I took this field of flowers shot while walking our dog Maggie late one morning. She’s the type that doesn’t like to stay still so I was lucky to get this shot on my Canon S90. No walking today as the temperatures are forecasted to perhaps reach 100°F…I’m hoping the partial cloud cover we have will keep it short of that.

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Anita Jesse
13 years ago

I am deeply saddened to hear about Foster’s seizures and will keep you both in my thoughts.

You said so well something I feel strongly. Seeing “the big picture” is, indeed, more important than making photographs. I always miss your posts when you are busy with life, but appreciate your thoughts precisely because you do tend tend to more immediate needs in “real” life.

Be well.

13 years ago

My thoughts are with you and your dog Earl. Hope all goes well.

ken bello
13 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to post this, Earl, and trust that your followers understand life’s complication. It sounds like Foster has good caregivers.
The S90 continues to amaze me with incredible detail.

13 years ago

I like the landscape of summer flowers with a tree line behind. Works for me. You’ve been a busy person…thanks for visiting the sites anyway.

Ray K
13 years ago

Foster is in my thoughts Earl.

Nik | ExP
13 years ago

the ebb and flow of life, I hope all is well with your pup Earl.

13 years ago

I hope Foster is doing better Earl. Sorry for checking in and finding out so late, I have been unplugged a bit for a bit more than a week on vacation hiking in N.California.

Martina Egli
13 years ago

That is a wonderfully calm and peaceful image – I love the different shades of green and the focus on the towers in the meadow.
I hope Forster is feeling better and that everything is going to be okay. My thoughts are with you. Take care.