Earl Moore Photography
Natures Tossed Salid - Upon the forest floor

This photo of nature’s “tossed salad” reminds me how my brain works concerning photography. I shoot mostly nature shots but there’s many other photographic elements and areas of the craft I’m interested in, a real mixed bag. My interest in general, on any subject, have never been singularly focused. I’m more of a generalist — a “big ol’ tossed salad.”

Being a generalist can be good as far as the requirements of daily life but it certainly can hurt one’s chances of greater success in any one field.

In blogging one of the first rules for success is to find your niche — a fairly tight focus of subject matter you can become an expert in. I’m sure those same rules apply in some manner to photography. By choosing a certain area, type or style of photography and sticking with it you can, with practice and a degree of talent, become “an expert.”

Yet I seem to be destined to be a generalist — life’s handyman. I’ve accepted it’s the way I’m “wired,” so all that’s left is to focus on becoming a darn good handyman!

Have a great weekend!

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13 years ago

Earl – I think you need to worry less about variety and more about what appears to be radioactive material in your soil. ;-)

13 years ago

Earl – could it be that you are specialising in “color”, or in “light”, or “beauty”? I just have read some thoughts of Michael Freeman, who describe this as a very normal behaviour of a photographer: Not specialising in named subjects, but with an open and free reception capturing what light and its reflection on subjects presents. Maybe this is not a good career recipe for a photographer who tries to optimize his income, but for an amateur in the true sense of the word it sounds like a reasonable way to go. Success, and if only in blog visits, is volatile anyway. But presenting personal impressions is interesting for all of us, who don’t want to stay at the surface.

Eric Jeschke
13 years ago

I dunno, Earl, James Taylor makes it sound like a pretty good gig!


13 years ago

Earl, you’re a damn good handyman, in such case. That image look suspiciously psychedelic, did you eat from those mushrooms? (I really like it, quite in my taste for being a nature shot). :-)

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
13 years ago

I’m with Mark – is that a blue pine cone in that image? Must be radioactive (as Mark says!).

As for the handyman thought, you never really know where today’s photographs will lead you. Maybe more of the same or maybe not. But I think we all eventually find that “niche” you’re talking about. Most of us who follow your work, for example, know the types of images we’re most likely to find and also what we’re very unlikely to ever see. So see, you’re already almost there. You’re just not totally sure where “there” is yet.

Anita Jesse
13 years ago

Yes, Ove, “psychedelic” was the word I reached for first. While Mark may be wise in the advise to start collecting soil samples, the colors here seem right for the usually upbeat mood of your posts. I enjoy the positive, energetic feeling of this. I really think Paul hits the nail on the head. While I couldn’t a name to what you do, I have a sense of what to look forward to when I head for your blog—and I look forward eagerly. You have a style. You just haven’t pigeon-holed yourself into photographing one subject.

NR | ExP
13 years ago

There’s nothing wrong being Jack of all Trades! In terms of blogging, striking a nerve with your audience is a trial and error process, although it can be alleviated by using tools like Google Analytics. You mention in your previous post that a photographer is the product of his /her environment, perhaps this is an avenue you could look into. As I mentioned Google Analytics, you could really use it to see which post are the most popular / most views / most comments and stick to that genre. It doesn’t mean you’re driven by ‘stats’ or ‘chasing’ comments, but it does give you a good idea of your audience. After all, we all have these sites for people to see and share our thoughts.

I think anyone who’s passionate about photography will take photos of just about anything and everything. I take hundreds of photos every week, but only a few ever make it to my website, mainly because there’s a THEME that I want to portray. This doesn’t mean I limit myself to a specific genre. The beauty of the internet and blogging specifically, is that you can create the environment that you want.

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

Well, maybe your niche is photography, all sorts of photography. That happens when we carry a camera around our neck or in our pocket. Images get taken, worked on in the cave then posted on your blog. People stop by and leave comments about radioactive material, some leave happy faces with their comments and some are inspired by your work. I’ve come to know your pretty “handy” with your camera, your digital darkroom and this blog. That’s a pretty cool niche ya got there, Earl. By the way, I’ve never seen a pine cone that color before? Do you only find them in NC? Have a super weekend. :-)

ken bello
13 years ago

When I clicked on this photo to get the higher resolution, my monitor caught fire. I had to file a report with the FCC regarding hazardous sites. You’ll be hearing from them soon. You may be required to post a disclaimer on your home page.
When I was just starting out, I had to shoot a lot of portraits and, after awhile, I grew to hate it.Like you, I enjoy a variety of subject matter and styles, but I never warmed up to portrait shooting. It requires a higher level of social skills that I don’t have.

13 years ago

A fine nature shot with some exceptionally beautiful colors. I think you’re right on track and becoming a fine photographer regardless what you choose to shoot.

13 years ago
Reply to  Don

Hey Don, thanks. I guess the only critic we really need to satisfy is ourselves…not good news because I’m a tough one to please. :-) I hope your weekend is going well.

Journey Photographic
13 years ago

It may be a tossed salad, but I don’t think I’d want to eat it!

On niches, I suspect not ever feeling quite like you’ve found it is a good thing – it keeps you looking and open to opportunities.