Earl Moore Photography
Morning Flowers

I’m not sure why but this photo seems right the day after Memorial Day.

A couple of beautiful flowers, some streaming sunshine, and lush greenery behind and this is what you get — at least it’s what I got on this occasion. I made this photo several weeks ago and have been coming back to it not entirely sure where I wanted it to “go” process wise.

It may be one of those occasions where you have to kick them out of the nest and see if they fly. But as I said before, it seemed a good day for it. :-)

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13 years ago

I like the different composition with the bright flowers and the tiny strands flowing through the shot. It works for me!

Anita Jesse
13 years ago

Sings spring to me. You managed to perfectly capture the light streaming down on those two vibrant blossoms. Outstanding.

Ken Bello
13 years ago

The vignette on this lighting (and subject) is a nice touch, Earl.

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

That’s a nice kick, Earl! Lovely

Martina Egli
13 years ago

What a wonderful image – the sun rays coming through the greenery and illuminating the roses beautifully is just astonishing! Great work, Earl.