Several weeks ago I mentioned in “Refiting the man cave” we were in the process of remodeling my office but were waiting for furniture to be delivered. For the most part it’s now finished although I need to do some wire management and build a drop down work surface in the closet storage area.

The room is a converted bedroom. Our concept was for it to have three functional areas. One a modern computer/photography area with lots of desktop and storage space, a reading and media viewing area with a warm contemporary feel and a storage work area created from a converted double doored closet. This design is a fusion of modern and contemporary with details added by both Bonnie and myself.

For those who expressed an interest, here’s photos of where I process the images you see on Meandering Passage and this is where I write these rambling posts.

Earl Moore Photography
Photo 1
Earl Moore Photography
Photo 2
Earl Moore Photography
Photo 3

Earl Moore Photography
Photo 4
Earl Moore Photography
Photo 5
Earl Moore Photography
Photo 6

Photo 1 & 2: Computer workspace with the wide L-shaped desk and linear storage unit. There’s also a gallery rail photo hanging system to easily display some of my work.

Photo 3: You see the merging of the computer workspace and the reading/media space. There’s also a rack near the door that holds networking components, a Drobo Pro Backup device, a UPS, and a laser printer.

Photo 4 & 5: The reading and media area — the chair belonged to my parents and is one of the most comfortable sitting chairs ever.

Photo 6: This displays the closet converted to a storage unit. I plan on building a drop down work surface between the two bookshelves to be used for photo framing or computer repairs.

I don’t have a good photo of this space before the “flip” but let’s just say it was dark maroon, unorganized and very depressing.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Photo Wall Hanging Rail System – Contempo(R) System by AS Hanging Systems

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Markus Spring
13 years ago

Congratulations, Earl – this looks like a cave you have very little reason to leave!

13 years ago

Now that’s what I call a very comfy cave! Wow! I knew that it would turn out great, because I’ve seen your previous projects, but … damn! That is sensational. Excellent job, Earl.

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

Love that cave, Earl. I’m sure you will be spending some good time in there. I also agree with Paul, damn!

Anita Jesse
13 years ago

Wow! It may have once been dark and depressing, but you have made it gorgeous and downright inspiring. What a sensational job you have done. Will you think I am a rotten person if I confess how jealous I am? Thanks for taking the time to post all the photos. I will be coming back to these more than once to see how a master does it.

13 years ago

You and Bonnie have done a fine job of creating such useable and spaces that has charm and style. Every aspect of these rooms (in the enlarged versions) shows such thorough thought and producing design with function to well integrated. Excellent transformation.

13 years ago

That is one heck of a nice cave Earl. Looks like a professional interior design job. Yeah, that dark, unorganized, depressing space sounds like where I am right now. You have certainly provided me some inspiration to want to do something with this space. Actually makes me want to just take a bulldozer and wipe it clean. :-)

I have been thinking about the photo rails also. What kind did you end up getting? Are the photos behind glass?

Ken Bello
13 years ago

Your cave turned out gorgeous. I like the cabinetry you chose. Can you explain the picture hanging system you have in photo 2? That’s cool!

Eric Jeschke
13 years ago

Holy Crap, Earl, that is one awesome new space you’ve got there. I like the color scheme you’ve got, goes well with the wood flooring. Very inspiring!

13 years ago

~ sigh~… I am sooo envious Earl. :)

It’s a beautiful space. I’m sure you’ll spend many enjoyable and productive hours there.

13 years ago

Very nice, Earl! And tidy! My God, did you dare putting your tools from your computer upgrade on those tables? :-)

There’s only one complaint, you have to give that plant more light! (Or is it artificial?) ;-)

Thanks for the inspiration. I might go for a rail system myself, in a very long corridor we have in our house. Your installation looks very neat!

Steve Skinner
13 years ago

I really like the reading area; looks like a great place for a nap too!

Martina Egli
13 years ago

Wow, Earl! I love your new office, it has a wonderfully contemporary feel and the beautiful green colour on the wall creates a relaxing atmosphere. I particularly like your gallery rail photo hanging system where you can easily change the display of your work. Thanks a lot for the link, I’m considering buying one for myself! Enjoy working in your fantastic studio!

11 years ago

hi Earl!
Love tge desk/table. could you tell me where they are from? thanks