I mentioned in my previous post of the heavy wooden truss structure that it was an image from The Elizabethan Gardens on Roanoke Island. I thought before I post any other photos from the gardens I should give credit due HRH Queen Elizabeth I for whom these gardens were named. The gardens are a memorial to the first English colonist who came to North America in 1584-1587, under Sir Walter Raleigh, as the first attempt to colonize the “New World” under Queen Elizabeth I — a first attempt forever to be known as “The Lost Colony.”
The idea to build these gardens was initially proposed in 1950 but they did not formally open until 1960. The Elizabeth statue is a fairly new addition to the gardens, dedicated in 2006. For whatever it means, it is the world’s largest bronze statue of HRH Queen Elizabeth I.
I found the detail work on the bronze statue to be quite amazing — even more impressive in person then these images imply. Surely only b&w photography would be appropriate for this subject matter.
Some may find these types of photos and the details I’ve provided in this post boring but I have a love for history which has grown with time.
Often the who, what, when, where and why puts the subjects and the images in context and begins the “Once upon a time…” story I aspire the photos to tell.
I would also readily tell you my increasing historical interest may be due to my becoming old enough to be a little historic myself. :-)
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Well, my grandchildren certainly think that I’m approaching “historic” status. The only thing that saves me is that I can still throw a football farther than they can and I can still beat them playing “HORSE” in basketball. But that won’t last much longer.
I think you’re right that age increases our interest in – and perspective of – history. I think that’s part of the reason my wife and I enjoy traveling so much. It’s like filling in the pieces of a giant puzzle, a puzzle that exists in both time and space. It’s an attempt to understand where we fit in all of this before we no longer can.
Silver Efex Pro 2, with a fairly high level of “Strcture”, right? Nicely done.
Paul, absolutely right on all counts — including the Silver Efex Pro 2!
There’s that age of in-between known in some circles as the mid-life crises where getting older often seems a terrible fate — it affects some more then others. Yet, now pass that point I’m finding peace for who I am and my thoughts are often on more important and larger questions. I like how you described it:
“It’s like filling in the pieces of a giant puzzle, a puzzle that exists in both time and space. It’s an attempt to understand where we fit in all of this before we no longer can.”
Thanks for the visit and comment!
I think you made a fine choice to go for black and white and this highly detailed statue. Wonderful detail in this capture. I can appreciate your “historic” status at this point in life! :-)
Don, thanks. If we’re lucky, we all become a little historic eventually don’t we.
Excellent job with details in the images as well as the information. I’m pulled towards statues and you will also find them on my blog.
Hey, thanks, Monte. I did think about some of the statues you’ve posted when I posted these.
While I don’t get out to many landmarks, I do appreciate seeing the photos others have taken. The work at the Museum has given me a greater sense of the historic significance of all the people, places, object and events that have gone into shaping our lives.
These photos are really nice and the statutes themselves are a wonderful tribute.
Thanks, Ken. Again it’s about balance. It’s not healthy to dwell on the past but I do think one needs to know where they’ve been in order to chart where they’re going. Then there’s the old “doomed to repeat it” saying. Have a great weekend!
Historic, okay, but beware of becoming a relic. :-) I enjoy your small history stories. You seem to have had lots of light to tame in order to get these images. You managed well, the amount of detail is very good and I must say I like the silverly finish you achived.
LOL I hope I have many years before I’m close to obtaining “relic” status. There was lots of light as it was near mid-day. Thanks, I processed/converted these images from color to b&w using NIK Silver Efex Pro 2 in Photoshop. It gives wonderful options and control for b&w toning. Have a great weekend, Ove!
Those statues are incredibly detailed. Personally, I like the historical aspect of the post. Also, I think that I’m starting to be part of ‘history’ when I remember times where there was no cable/satellite television, Internet, or cell phones. Ancient! :)
Thanks, Paul. Yeah, in our lifetime things have changed so much and so quickly. Some really good changes and some I personally don’t care for. But then the future is mostly for the kids and I’m no longer one of them, except in my heart! :-)
I recently read about the oldest woman in the world is now 114 down in Brazil. 114 years old! Imagine the change she has witnessed! She was alive before Ford Motor Company was even here.
Cool shots Earl. You are right, the detail is amazing.
We recently attended the opening of a tiny museum here in our tiny community and I noticed that by far most of the attendees had a noticeable amount of gray hair. There were two teenaged boys there. They were mostly excited about two knives on display, but heck they showed up, anyway. I think as we get older, most of do acquire a deeper appreciation for what came before us. Your photos are a wonderful tribute to the tribute. I am not the first to notice, of course, but I really like the processing. Gorgeous details, beautifully captured.
I certainly agree that our appreciation of history and where we came from grows with age. I’ve always had an interest in history but that interest has certainly grown stronger with passing years. Thanks, Anita!