The agency I work at relies heavily on volunteers to accomplish much of its good work in the local community. Tuesday night a banquet was held to honor and express thanks to those that give of their time and talents. Almost 300 people gathered, many to be thanked and many to say thank you. I was honored to be asked to photographer the occasion.
There was nothing difficult about photographing the banquet but I was kept busy moving about looking for human interest moments and good overall balance in the story I was telling. The next day I was asked by a fellow staff member if I had a chance to partake of the banquet. Confessing I had not, they mentioned the word devoted along with photography. Certainly not a word I associated with my choices that evening because to me it was about my own personal standards and having fun.
The image with this post has nothing to do with the banquet and is only related by impressions gain by a photographer (me) from watching another photographer photographing Tulip Tree blossoms. I watched from a distance this young photographer spend considerable time and effort to taking photos of this one blub — perhaps her own small act of devotion but I bet she thought of it as fun.
This image was converted in NIK Silver Efex Pro 2 after some post-processing in Photoshop.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
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A fine shot of this photographer happily at work. The banquet sounded like a fine photo opportunity.
Don, I appreciate it but I’m not that please with this photographic effort. I had a vision in my head but could bring it to fruition. The banquet was fun and there was so much going on I kept busy.
Interesting idea of the photographic process as devotion, one I had not thought of before, and I’ve always considered it a spiritual experience in my life. I also know I will never be able to express the true beauty of nature but I will keep at this spiritual practice.
Monte…I like the thought of it as a spiritual practice.
That’s a delightful image of that photographer totally engrossed in her work. The beautiful lighting on her face and the blossoms connects the two wonderfully. And your apt title really enhances the atmosphere.
Martina, thanks. This photo was a vision that I felt never truly came to fruition, at least not to my full satisfaction. I’m looking forward to your post next week.