Wooded Path
...just a little further to go as darkness falls.

No matter what I’m photographing sooner or later I always come back to a trail or path of some sort. Paths are an undeniable attraction for me so I’ve decided in this case to indulge the urge with this image — something about seeing what’s over that next rise or around the next bend.

This wooded trail under darkening sky photo was made about three weeks ago at a nearby park when the weather was below freezing and threatening snow — a huge difference from today when it will be sunny and 74°F. I’m certain winter is only relenting long enough to entice buds to begin budding so it can freeze them within its icy grip. But, I’d like to be wrong about that and see an early spring.

Not an outstanding image, but I like it well enough. However, I have to say I may like it more in the home page image slider at a 3:1 aspect. :-)

Have a great weekend!

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Monte Stevens
14 years ago

I like it also. However, we will be a bit colder than you. It is now 19 degrees but with the sun out it will warm up into the 50s. Have a good Friday!

Steve Skinner
14 years ago

Your image reminds me of the many paths I’ve taken out of the woods on my way home. I always wonder what’s over the next hill.

14 years ago

A fine woodland shot. I too feel that way about paths through the woods and out-of-sight. Nice shot.

Journey Photographic
14 years ago

Paths are such a strong subject, especially in this type of environment. I love the way the leaves on the path glow more brightly than the surrounding leaves.

Martina Egli
14 years ago

A wonderful shot from the woodlands! I like how the sun illuminates the leaves on the path and makes them seem golden. They stand in beautiful contrast to the trees that form a stark silhouette against the sky.

14 years ago

The sun definitely attracted me down that trail Earl. It reminds me of a nice afternoon walk in the woods about to finish up.

And I have to agree with you on the 3:1 crop. I have found a few of my images that I like better when I crop them for the slider also.