Winter leaves
...knowing only the moment

You could view these leaves as representing two scenarios — they lay marking the better days of a past when things were warm and green or they lay awaiting fresh beauty and better days soon to be.

In passing with a quick glance you might embrace either choice, looking back or looking forward, thereby missing the beauty of the present moment. And it would be a shame to miss such a beautiful moment

This photo was made this past January on one of my forays into the local woods. Melting frost provided deep color saturation giving visual life again to this one large leaf amid smaller kin — its singular simplicity amid the chaos of the smaller leaves draws the eye. Perhaps a lesson there for each of us in these chaotic times.

I did minimal post-processing with a little sharpening.

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14 years ago

You found a fine leaf to feature in this ground shot. I especially like the rich colors and detail. Well done.

Anita Jesse
14 years ago

Boy, Earl, you are producing images with superb color these days. The child in me wants to take off my shoes and play in those leaves. I love the depth and texture in this.

Steve Skinner
14 years ago

I love the holes in the leaf. The bugs and slugs have been busy!

14 years ago

Greetings from the road Earl. I’m enjoying your philosophical musings almost as much as I am the photos themselves. Interesting thoughts.

14 years ago

Love this shot Earl. One of my favorites of late. As busy as the surrounding leaves can be thought to be, I see these in a harmonious pattern supporting your main subject. The tones are subdued enough to not cause too much visual confusion. Very cool and well done.

Martina Egli
14 years ago

The tones and textures are excellent – what a great image!

Chris Klug
14 years ago

I think of your latest set, this is my favorite as well. How are you processing these? They really sing.

14 years ago

very very nice