Hi Ray, glad to see you and thanks. I’m glad you like it.
14 years ago
Ha! Since you are drawn into the light area of this image, this reminds me of trying to make my way through a tangled woods, and always seems to be branches ahead of me to stick me in the eye. I agree, very symbolic shot.
p.s. I noticed you got rid of the white bar below your slider – looks better this way I think.
Mark, yes the white bar below the slider is gone — it does look better. I never wanted it there and had been trying for days to find a way to remove it in the sliders CSS, images, configuration files, etc. Come to find out this theme had placed the slider in a “Widget box” when I inserted it on the home page and the white bar was part of the widget box background…not the slider. Only took a second to change the background of the box to transparent once I wised up. :-)
Very nice – you’ve balanced the light and shadows beautifully.
JP, thanks…I appreciate it.
I like the mood this shot creates. A fine image of the tangle of brush and limbs in the woods. Nice one.
Don, yes and the sun cooperated by shining through high clouds at just the right moment. Thanks!
Good one Earl. Looks like an enchanted spot.
pj, as always…it’s all about the light. A few minutes after I made this photo the sun disappeared behind a cloud and the magic was gone. Thanks!
Color, composition, depth of focus, this has it all, Earl. Beautifully done.
Hi Ken, I appreciate the comment and kind words. Thanks!
Excellent image and thought to go with it Earl
Hi Ray, glad to see you and thanks. I’m glad you like it.
Ha! Since you are drawn into the light area of this image, this reminds me of trying to make my way through a tangled woods, and always seems to be branches ahead of me to stick me in the eye. I agree, very symbolic shot.
p.s. I noticed you got rid of the white bar below your slider – looks better this way I think.
Mark, yes the white bar below the slider is gone — it does look better. I never wanted it there and had been trying for days to find a way to remove it in the sliders CSS, images, configuration files, etc. Come to find out this theme had placed the slider in a “Widget box” when I inserted it on the home page and the white bar was part of the widget box background…not the slider. Only took a second to change the background of the box to transparent once I wised up. :-)
It askes the question, “Where does it lead?”, which is very symbolic of life’s journey.
Hi Monte, Somewhere slightly different for each of us I suspect! ;-)