Yadkin River, Cooleemee, NC
Trees grow out over the banks of the river on a winter's day

This photo was made along a branch of the Yadkin River near the old mill town of Cooleemee, NC. You can see a mill in the background, behind the trees. The river banks are covered with deadwood/driftwood deposited during flooding when water levels rise 10-20 feet above this pictured normal level.

The trees lean out over the river because river bank erosion leaves the trees weakened and undermined on the river side, causing them to lean and eventually fall, becoming deadwood.

That tower structure near center shot is a stone support from an old bridge which crossed at that point years ago. Each visit I glance down river to see if it’s still there or if the waters have finally taken it.

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Anita Jesse
14 years ago

The scene, as always, is beautifully captured and this is an outstanding example of the informative and entertaining background information you supply us. I often imagine, Earl, how marvelous it would be to do a sort of workshop with you. You have an inspired way of opening eyes to the world around us.

14 years ago

I like the way the light brightens up the river. Nice shot of the processes nature uses to remove the old and provide food for the new. Nice shot.