Fresh snow at ponds edge
A remote pond with evergreen and hardwood trees covered in newly fallen snow.

From my home, driving to a far cul-de-sac in the same development and then walking a quarter of a mile through woods and field brings you to this pond situated upon a planned residential property never developed. Beauty close by. There’s only one home on this sizable plot and it’s not visible from the pond. The land isn’t posted so I visit and photograph here at times.

Frosted Evergreens
Almost perfect evergreen trees with pristine white snow

It’s especially beautiful when nature has gone to the trouble of dusting it with 3 inches of fresh snow. It doesn’t happen all that often here in North Carolina.

The pond appears to have been planned as a drawing feature of the development. It has stone around most of the shore and these almost perfect evergreens planted on two sides.

(I only discovered this pond while looking at my neighborhood with Google Maps satellite view.)

The second photo is of the same evergreens as in the first photo from a different angle. You can make a photo for many reasons — these I made for no more reason then I thought the scene was beautiful.

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Journey Photographic
14 years ago

I love the way the tall trees tower over the smaller ones.

14 years ago

A beautiful pond to discover. It’s a very attractive place made even better with the decoration of some snow.

14 years ago

Very nice Earl. Looks like a great spot.

Beauty is reason enough…

14 years ago

Ah, the wonders of Google Earth. Nice find and beautiful shots, Earl.

Steve Skinner
14 years ago

The snow covered conifers would make great Christmas trees.

Anita Jesse
14 years ago

Hooray for Google Earth. A lovely find. I hope we will see more photos from this spot. The snow is a beautiful addition, but I trust you will find the setting just as delightful in other seasons. Once again, beautiful colors in both photos.

14 years ago

This is near your home? It is sooo beautiful. Lovely photos of a picturesque place!

Monte Stevens
14 years ago

I’m glad you have such a place to visit and step away from the busier life, something we all need to do more often. That may be one of the positive effects of our economy, your place of beauty.

14 years ago

I have found a few local spots the same way. Thank you Google.

It truly is a beautiful scene Earl, and nicely portrayed.

Ken Bello
14 years ago

Nice shots, Earl. It’s great to have such a place to visit within walking distance. I hope it stays undeveloped.