Cold Winter's Night
The cold winds blow and high clouds move swiftly across the sky temporarily blocking out the moon, its a cold winters night.

As I write and post this we’re in the midst of another major snow storm for this area. As a low pressure makes it’s way from the Gulf of Mexico to the East Coast it’s spreading snow and ice from Tennessee across to the coast of North Carolina and points north and south. It’s forecasted to later move northward along the East Coast.

There will probably be snow photos to follow but I felt this Winters Night photo also fit the occasion.

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Journey Photographic
14 years ago

Very moody and ominous. I hope your snow isn’t too severe!

14 years ago

Very moody and appropriate, Earl. I’m sitting here looking at the snow. About to go out in it with my camera and take a walk. Not with Hobbs, though. He presents a hazard. His pulling here and there will not be welcomed today! :) Enjoy the snow!

Anita Jesse
14 years ago

I heartily agree with moody and ominous. I love the drama in this. Stay warm and dry. But, have a blast.

Steve Skinner
14 years ago

So Earl, does the story begin as it was a dark and stormy night?

Monte Stevens
14 years ago

Yes, I agree, very moody image. I noticed there were canceling flights last night in Charlotte. This means crew, aircraft and passengers are going to be all over the place. Glad I’m here in a coffee shop near a fireplace.

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
14 years ago

It’s certainly been a strange winter so far. The whole country seems to be in a deep freeze. And yes, another nor’easter on the way. I’m glad I’m not trying to fly in or out of Atlanta today!

I too very much like the image. It doesn’t strike me as “moody”, though. Just kind of a quiet, peaceful winter night.

14 years ago

Looks like we are going to get hit tomorrow.

Very ominous mood portrayed by this shot Earl. Thanks for making us all extra concerned now. :-)