In my prior Calendar Project post I mention a “Trick or Treat so others may eat” food collecting project. This group of fine young people were part of that project as well.
If I could capture the energy this group was emitting and funnel it as fuel into some type of car I’m certain I could drive from here to the Pacific Coast and back with fuel left over. These kids had obviously been dipping into soda and candy before they arrived. But still, what a great group.
Most of the faces were turned towards a parent standing to the right of me make a group photo with a point and shoot camera when I snuck this one in. Of course a couple of them zeroed in on me — I had the biggest camera. :-) The on-board flash of my D700 added a little brightness.
Are these guys having fun, or what? That’s one of the secrets of giving…it’s fun. ;-)
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I don’t think I’d want to be in charge of calming them down at the end of the night… you’ve done a good job of capturing their energy in this shot.
That’s the best part, we got to send them home afterwards and not worry about trying to get them to go to settle down. Of course they probably collapsed later after coming down off their sugar high. Thanks.
There is nothing like youngsters when they have a common goal. Fine group shot.
We work with groups of kids at the museum with this kind of energy frequently. It’s a real blast but we wear down faster than the kids! We also make them check their beverages at the front desk.
Great shot Earl and also some nice post processing, as well.
lively and lovely capture
Thanks everyone for your comments!