Last Light
Last light of the day
Friday we drove to Bald Head Island, NC, to attend a wedding on Saturday, returning late that night. Getting to the island requires a twenty minute ferry ride from Southport, NC. There’s no cars on the island and most people use electric golf carts to get around.

I’d slipped the Canon S90 in my suit coat pocket and this last light of the day shot was made while waiting for a shuttle from the reception dinner back to the ferry. Moments like this is why it’s always good to have a camera with you and why I like the pocket size of the S90. :-)

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Monte Stevens
14 years ago

I’m glad you had it with you also. It allows us to see what your see with your photographic eye.

14 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

Hi Monte, I almost passed this shot up as being too cliche and perhaps beyond the S90’s low light capabilities…but upon review I’m glad I didn’t. :-)

14 years ago

A fine silhouette. I continue to like my S90 very much. It’s one of the best Canon pocket cameras I’ve had in several years.

14 years ago
Reply to  don

Don, thanks! I’ve seen some really nice shots you’ve taken with yours and I continue to be impressed with the capabilities of the S90 the more I use it. There are certainly limits to it, but for a pocket size camera it’s excellent.

14 years ago

Amen, brother. I’m so glad that you brought that little gem to our little get together. It’s now my constant companion! Very handy and unobtrusive. I look like a regular tourist and no one pays me any mind. Beautiful shot of a nice, quiet moment.

Steve Skinner
14 years ago

A nice capture of a passing moment in time!