Deep red berries
Deep Red Berries

The harshness and contrast of these elements attracted me. The berries, a deep dark red with small spots, the stems, thick with tiny harsh prickly filaments, and the leaves, vibrant green with deep veins and a harshly textured surface. Strong elements of imperfection combined producing a striking vibrancy.

I took this photo at 270mm with a Nikon 70-300mm lens. Approaching as close as possible, depth of field was narrow so I selected a grouping of berries and leaves where I could be perpendicular with most of the elements on the same focal plane. The song and folk saying goes, “You dance with the One that Brought You” and since I was attracted by the strong, harsh elements I tried giving them life in post-processing.

Taking a few moments today to remember all those who died during the 09/11/2001 terrorist attacks and in the two wars since.

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Monte Stevens
14 years ago

This image really pops. You did a great job in post precessing.

14 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

Monte, I wasn’t sure about thic one. Nice to hear it getting a good reception.

Journey Photographic
14 years ago

I really like the central composition and colours in this.

14 years ago

Thanks, glad you liked it.

14 years ago

Très belles couleurs!Bravo!
Amitiés de France:CLAIRE

14 years ago

Stunning colors. The plant looks metallic.

14 years ago
Reply to  michael

Michael, thanks, this plant had a particular “hard” finish to it to begin with and the metallic look was a real bonus.