But for a moment
But for a moment
I’ve observed during recent walks that summer is in the process of grudgingly giving way to fall. Changes are in motion as leaves begin to turn and the last blooms of summer quickly fade and drift away.

This sharply brings to focus how temporary things are. A bloom here today may be unrecognizable tomorrow — ahhh, to grab that moment while it’s available.

In that regard, I thought a sense of motion played well with this photo of a small Tiger Lily flower, caught at it’s most beautiful moment, and gone by my next walk.

Enjoy your weekend. :-)

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Monte Stevens
14 years ago

Another excellent image, Earl. Did you buy an new camera? :-)

We were talking tonight at dinner how the leaves are changing and the coolness of the evening. Fall is just around the corner. And, hope you guys have a great weekend, also!

14 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

LOL, no same camera — my current one(s) are more then capable. :-) Just trying to get a fresh look at things.

Fall can’t come too soon this year. What a hot and muggy summer it’s been.

14 years ago

Fine, Earl – both image and words. In my book the primary value of photography more and more is this ability to notice and cherish subtleties and there time-related value. And creating pictures for me has less a conserving value now, but more that kind of increasing the appreciaton of those gifts.

14 years ago
Reply to  Markus

Markus, thanks, wonderfully expressed sentiments with which I strongly identify and agree.

14 years ago

I really do not know how to comment flower picture but to say how lovely it is :))
I love real flowers, not so much on pictures ;)

14 years ago
Reply to  mariana

Mariana, thanks, I understand. A flower is much more than just visually beautiful, so often photos are shadows of that greater truth and in that way can leave one a bit unsatisfied. However, as a nature photographer I find myself drawn to keep trying to discover a way to capture this elusiveness. :-)

14 years ago

A fine flower shot with wonderful lighting. The transition to fall is always interesting.

Steve Skinner
14 years ago

You are right Earl; nothing in life lasts forever. Some of our maples are just beginning to show a little color. I can’t wait as it makes for very interesting photos.

14 years ago

looks fantastic and the motion (zooming?) works perfectly

Journey Photographic
14 years ago

Lovely – the motion blur is the perfect touch.

Alan M. Collopy
14 years ago


How true your statement, life is brief, and the changing season come and go so quickly. We must pause and enjoy all that life offers. We capture a glimpse of this in our photographs. This photo is stunning. I love the soft colors and the background. Well done.
I have been incredibly busy at work this past two weeks, and needed to “get out” the past few days and shoot photos, just to unwind.
Hoping you had a great weekend!


14 years ago

Very unique and cool image Earl.