Warm Lights at Night
Warm Lights at Night
The above image is an on-the-fly shot of the North Harbor Club Restaurant, Lake Norman, NC, taken handheld from a moving boat in very low-light conditions with a Canon S90 P&S at ISO 800.

Yeah, I know, those shooting conditions read like a recipe for making the worst photo possible. I like to think of it as an experiment.

The warm lights and the multiple rectangle/square/umbrella shapes coerced me into attempting this shot, therefore the soft focus, noise and lack of detail isn’t that much of a distraction to me now. I actually went with those limiters in post-processing using Topaz Simplify and NIK Color Efex to emphasize the lines, shapes and warm tones.

Perhaps you’ll find it as one of those images more pleasing if you stand back and squint a little. ;-)

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14 years ago

No problem :)) Cool title and shot . Love those lights !

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
14 years ago

Now you know that nobody actually does that, Earl. Stand back and squint, I mean. It’s just not in our genes.

Monte Stevens
14 years ago

I must admit there are times I squint or even look over the top of my glasses to see more details. But, you know some of the better images just have this powerful story to tell with it’s content or color or subject and focus is secondary. I like the warmth of this scene and again the story it tells. And, my mind wonders what was on the menu?

14 years ago

That’s an old trick to determine if the image works in b&w, and this certainly would. In my squint vision, only the sky and the white parts in the lower parts of the view remains. Looks really good that way.