Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
A few hundred feet further along the long path.

My last posted photo which contained a Monarch Butterfly featured deep green leaves over an out of focus bright yellow background as the main course. The butterfly was more as a dash of spice, adding “zing” to the dish.

Todays Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly is definitely the main course with the surrounding flowers and greenery served as accompaniments. The butterflies were out in force on this particular day.

Tag: Humor

My friend and fellow blogger Paul revealed over the weekend he’d order a Canon S90 to serve as a take everywhere pocket camera after seeing mine at our recent dinner get together with Monte. I’ve certainly enjoyed my S90 and it’s captured images that would not have been made except for its pocket-ability. I believe/hope you’ll enjoy it too, Paul.

However, I feel I do have to set the record straight on one thing. Paul jokes about how many cameras and gadgets I have and is publicly using me as an excuse for this most current purchase. Nay, I say! Counting my S90 I have three cameras. I believe this will make four cameras for you, won’t it Paul, good buddy? Also, at that very dinner I remember someone, someone who looked like you Paul, talking about really wanting a Leica M9? I’d even say you had a touch of the gadget fever when talking about it. That’s the facts, Jack! ;-)

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14 years ago

beautiful ! great closeup and lovely tones.

14 years ago

From what I have seen the Canon S90 produces some beautiful images. I would love to have one. Right now we have four Nikons D40,D60,D90 and a P60, along with a 11 year old Canon Rebel and a 41 year old Nikon FTN. Had a D50 which now my son has for his Adirondack adventures.

14 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Yeah, they’ve piled up over the years…. including a number that I no longer use, but just can’t get rid of. I’m liking the S90 for its small size and the results it is producing. I got it because it can shoot in RAW.

14 years ago

A fine butterfly shot. I especially how its color contrasts with the yellows. Nice one.

Monte Stevens
14 years ago

LOL I’m a witness to chatter from Paul on lusting for the M9. If memory serves me well he has mentioned it in several of his blog posts.

I love the pose of this butterfly and the background colors add to the image.

Ray K
14 years ago

Have to admit I have film cameras going back 40 yrs and digital back at least 15 for some reason I never sell them when I get new ones.

14 years ago

absolutely beautiful capture, very well composed

14 years ago

LOL about the gadgets. lol. Boys and their toys ;) Love this butterfly. Very beautiful and lovely against those flowers.